Well, Cross country season is finally over! Ivy continued to race with the high school junior varsity in the open races(and winning). And indeed, Ivy DID make the soccer team. Now I am committed to driving for that. Ben DID acheive his goal, infact went under it and ran his last 5K in 16:52. It wasn't enough to go to State Competition, largely because Our district has some great runners. He also ripped an abdominal muscle in the last yards of the race.
Joel and Anna-Laura wrap up their flag football and soccer seasons this week. I am so THANKFUL. I am dropping dance and piano after Christmas, and wonder what I will do with all that free time.
Grant is taking some steps now, and it won't be long before he is running, too. Yes, he is almost 15 months old. But, about half my children waited that long to walk. I always say, they may walk late, but my kids usually potty-train early. Which would you rather?

Ivy went for a run the other day and came back telling me there was a wonderful puddle just perfect for floating paper boats in, down the path a ways. I had a LOT of other things I could be doing, but I decided to go with it. First I had to teach them how to make paper boats out of newspaper. Ivy made one out of a tissue box, even fashioning pipcleaner mast and notebook paper sail. I honestly did not have faith that it would float.
Well, we all trouped down to the very large puddle. There was a light breeze blowing that made it perfect for "racing" the boats. Of course, I brought my camera! As I watched, I began to wax philosophic. Not sure why, but some of the boats drifted into the curb, others beached themselves on the parking lot. At first, the girls just watched, but could not resist helping the boats. Of course, then they got wetter and wetter until they became a mass of pulp. It made me think of how we sail along in this world, sometimes mindlessly. If we are not careful, we become saturated with the "things" of the world until we cannot sail any longer.
Ivy's boat sailed above these disasters, mostly because it was cardboard, and did not soak as easily. It was beautiful to watch, right up until Trinity sideswiped it as she ran wildly through the puddle, for no reason but sheer enjoyment. The carefully crafted sail was soaked and ripped right off it's pipecleaner support. Fortunately, Ivy herself is made of stern stuff and was very upbeat about it, as she had figured out the "secret" of construsting a sturdy boat, and could certainly duplicate her efforts, if not improve on them in a future endeavor. Again, a reminder of our own fragile lives, and where we would be without dependence on Christ.

I will stop my mini sermon at this point. But on a side note, you might enjoy the finish to this tale. Since Trinity had been reminded several times to walk slowly in the water, and the temperature was mild, and she was dripping, I decreed that she must walk home. It was down one street, tuning once; less than a quarter mile. Ivy was elected to accompany her, as no one els could drive. NO one would ask Anna-Laura to take on such a responsibility, and Jeanette just cannot maintain control of Trinity(and no one would expect her to). I drove slowly, stopping to make sure they crossed the street safely and only left them on the turn. Remember, I DId have things to do! Ivy and Trinity ran in the door scant minutes after I had downloaded Grant and shooed in Anna-Laura and Jeanette. "Did you drag Trinity home at a dead run?" Ivy explained that a police car had stopped them and questioned them as to their ages(Ivy is only 11, not legal for baby sitting), where they lived, etc. Ivy explained that Trinity was wet, but they continued to insist that the girls get in the police cruiser. Finally Ivy agreed, and the security police had to MOVE THEIR GUNS! Then, they did not even speak to me at all. how crazy is that?