Thursday, July 20, 2006

This is us, the one in the middle is the newest addition to the family and will be referred to as Liz, Elizabeth, Evan's wife ... we reserve the right to add to this list as time goes on.

Liz 20, starts her junior year and works full time with Aeropostale. Her beauty,wit and charm almost cast a shadow on her Intelligence. All make up the daughter we have turned our son over to for raising.

Laura, my bride of 21 years, our

youngest, Grant

Savannah is our oldest, at 20 she is a junior. She is planning a best term trip to Australia to study her minor in photo journalisim.

Evan, the oldest son at 19 is the groom and starting his senior year at Crichton where he met Liz. He hopes to finish up in May and pursue a career in the Air Force as a JAG.

Benjamin 14, starts his sophmore year as a split home and local highschooler. He runs just about 35 to 40 miles aweek as he is part of the local highschool cross country team. His PR from last year for the 3.1k is 18:18 his gol for this year is 17:00 Keep an eye out for his race results each week.

Joel 12, Maybe the coolest kid ever

Ivy,11, has just finished the lead role in the Base performance of "The Jungle Book"

Anna-Laura,an original thinker from day one. She keeps us laughing.

Princess Netto looks forward to first grade!

Don't forget Trinity(AKA: Trouble), she is very interested in running these days. By the way, she is not a manatee.

Well, Michael started this blog, and put NO picture of himself up. hmm

I'll let you know as I figure out how to work this thing. By the way, thanks for the picture, Melinda!
bye for now

About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.