Wednesday, August 22, 2007

well, we lost the main computer, and I am clueless as to how to load pix to a laptop. If you were following the birthday thread, Melinda guessed the ages correctly, and Amanda got one date right. This past Sunday wqs Grant's 2nd birthday. We had cake, but no party. just too much right now. As i type this, children are devouring german chocolate cake in the next room. Ben had some friends meet him to play paintball a while ago, but today was his big day. We were discussing Savannah's sweet sixteen birthday party, he is glad he did not choose a father/daughter(or in his case, mother/son)dance. Let me know if and what you remember about that occaision.

Monday, August 13, 2007

3 birthdays this month. Grant, Trinity and Ben. Anyone care to guess dates and /or ages? the one with the most correct gets their name published in this blog. immediate family members need not apply.
So These past 2 weeks we have expanded our networks to include myspace and facebook. Why did I do this? Mostly too see pix and blogs of other people who are on these networks. So, if I fall behind on this blog(which is often), check the myspace, in Michael's name or facebook in my name. Savannah is taking lots of pictures and having an awesome time in Australia. She tries to blog about once a week, but there are far more pix on her facebook. I find facebook easier than this blogsite, and myspace more difficult. opinions?

About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.