Friday Funny
Grant has been interested in potty training this week. For the first time really since we moved, had the baby, etc. He has spurts of doing really well, and times where he does not even remember what we are doing.
Today, he woke up wet and shivering. He said he wanted to wear pants. He had brought some training pants to wear; and he went to the bathroom twice. But when we went to have our devotional time, he had a large tell-tale wet spot on the front of his jeans. I said, "Somebody wet their pants!" Grant smiled and raised his hand, and said, "Me, too!"
That is one cute kid. :) I am at my parents' this weekend, and we are watching my 2/almost 3 year old nephew for my brother while they're gone. He potty trained, then stopped when the new baby came. So, we're changing pull-ups! I've potty trained 3, but when people ask me how I did it, I always have to say, "I still have no idea." Each kid was so different!
I can't tell you how encouraging your comments were this week. Thank you so much for taking the time. That first child is an "experiment" of sorts... and having a boy last is like starting over, in many ways. I'm having one of those weeks where I'm second guessing everything from my mothering skills to our homeschooling materials and teaching style! Thankfully, God has sent me some encouragement through friends, both "real" and "bloggy." ;) I really do appreciate you sharing your own experiences.
It's me again...
Once again I'm commenting on a comment. Well, you're welcome to read what I said at my post from yesterday, but I wanted to come here and say this:
I, too, blame myself for everyone's stuff. I was just doing that to my husband and he said, "well, what are you going to DO about it?" And I said, "Feel guilty, I guess." :) Just wallow in it for awhile. It'll pass. :)
And I want to be quick to say that 1. we have a tv, and 2. we watch it. The worst thing is, Jack watches it the most! Lets say I'm a well-rounded person, shall we? :)
I tend to over-think things, which is not always helpful. I think you're much farther along the path to the blessed land of "balance!"
I loved your honesty, though...
Thanks for commenting.
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