Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stocking Dilemma

So I am wondering, at what point are stockings retired? Not that I am anxious to stop putting them up, just curious. Evan was offended when I included his name in parentheses in our Christmas newsletter the first year he was married. He has not been home for Christmas since 2004, and he has been married for 2 1/2 years. I don't have a stocking for Liz, should I make one? Should I hang theirs separately? Should I wait until they are actually HERE for Christmas? When they have children? It looks awkward to leave him off, but I feel funny not having one for Liz, who surely is part of the family. Does her mother hang her stocking? How many kings were there? We don't know, just that there were three gifts. What does that have to do with stockings? I put wismen on Liberty's stocking. You can never have too many wisemen. I prefer to call them wisemen. Not fond of astrologers in today's connotation. Please participate in my informal survey.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chastain chatter update

Do not be dismayed when your annual print edition does not arrive in December, the writer is inundated with holiday tasks and has decreed a strike until after the new year.

Jeanette was sent up to fetch a "christmas" bag for the present for her teacher and this is what she came back with! I thought it was hysterical!

Friday, December 12, 2008

SeeqPod - Playable Search
I wonder if this will work. If so, how?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Anna's antics

Yesterday I made Ben's lunch .
I accidentally put peaches in instead of pineapples?! He likes his lunch packed a certain way. He puts in Pineapples or applesauce first, then a spoon, then an oatmeal creme pie, then two sandwiches and then whales. He said, "Nice one, mom, you tried to make me eat peaches instead of pineapples!" He geets mad if he gets different food, or his lunch is packed in the wrong order. I had also given him cheezits instead of whales, because I did not know we had whales.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Liberty has an ear infection. She had a fever in the night all weekend. Then, on Monday morning, I tried to take her temp with an ear thermometer and she lost her mind. For an hour afterward she kept twitching her head toward her shoulder and whimpering. So sad. When I called, it turned out the clinic on base was closed for "training". Fortunately, they referred us downtown. I must say, though, it was a crackpot urgent care center. it was so obvious what her issue was, though. Then,, I had to get the prescription at Walmart(base closed) , and they were backed up for two hours.. So, I thought I'd pick up Savannah's pix for her. They pulled this, "you need permission from the photographer" bit. We have been through this about 4 times. I am glad they check, but the paperwork is on file! Well, apparently, not enough for this particular employee and she refused to give me the pictures. Needless to say, I left frustrated and empty handed! My Monday schoolday wasted!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Anna's Antics
We went to my Grandma's house for Thanksgiving. While we were there, we went to see Disney on ice. We went hiking and shot BB guns and pellet guns. One time I hit a silver can and one time I hit a water bottle. I got to drive a golf cart in the field. I learned how to play dutch blitz. I played on the computer. We had fun!

Both boys and girls teams took third in division 3A at the state competition! a new school record! We went to SC for the week of Thanksgiving 2 just a day later. Several of us have been sick. I forgot to mention, Savannah has 2 more jobs!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Anna's Antics

There is a childrens choir at our church.

They are having practice to night so I might have to miss photography.

Monday, November 17, 2008


FWB Cross country teams qualified for the STATE meet this weekend. In fact, both the boys AND the girls teams placed runner-up(2nd) in the regional championship. I think the region is from Pensacola area to St. Augustine. I met some people from St. Augustine at the race...
I am only posting a picture of the boys team because one of them is mine AND I am not sure anyone reads this blog who would know the girls. Let me know if you want to see that one. Next year, maybe Ivy will be in the pic!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Anna's Antics

Savannah teaches a photography class every Thursday night.
This week we had a fun week where we played with flash lights
and glowsticks. If you want to see pix go to:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I have not been really diligent to keep up with things. so, this week, I am introducing a brand new feature! Each week(and perhaps more often) you will be treated to a post from Anna-Laura! I have given her free reign for topics. Enjoy!

Anna's Antics

Why couldn't the bike stand up?

Answer: It was two tired

Why did the shoppers stare at the orange juice cans?

Answer:Because they said "concentrate."

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

fun run?
It has been a busy time since I posted last. In actual fact, Ivy did NOT win the invitational. I was astounded by her reasoning. Apparently, she concluded that the season was over, and this run was just for fun. She is already thinking ahead to next year when she will run for the high school. So, she decided to test out her "kick" . In our family, only Joel has shown the ability to really kick at the end of a race. I never could when I was in school. She intentionally stayed behind two girls she had beaten outright the week before until the last 300 meters. The announcer had already called"Well, we know it will be Ruckel for first and second, we just don't know which one will be in front." She came screaming around the corner into the last 100 meters , pulled away from both runners, and was headed to the finish line. Unfortunately, the extreme effort made her oblivious to anyone coming up from behind. Hilarious to me, was the announcer's comment, "Wait a minute, It's Ruckel and Ivy...(long pause)...from Bruner ." As if Ivy was a team all by herself. You can surmise that she was passed in the chute, and did not have a great time, because she purposely waited to pass. She was happy, though, and that is all that matters.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ivy placed second in the county meet!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Grant and Trinity had a joint birthday party in early August so my mother could be here for it. It was a race car birthday party. Fun was had by all (except for those who were too cool to participate, or were working).

Guess what? Ben had my cable to the card reader ALL this time! It was in his backpack! Now I can show you the pix I've been taking. I know you are sitting on the edge of your seat there. This post is wildly out of order. I apologize, and I might add that I do not have time to fix it. I get to go out for lunch today! Without bringing extra short people and with my friend. What? You want proof? HMM.
I will try to post more pictures of things that happened this summer, and pictures of Anna, Ben, Joel and I at the SARAH PALIN rally! No promises for a timeline though, the laundry is competing for my attention.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Savannah took pictures of Ben and Joel's Cross country on Tuesday, then Ivy's on Wednesday. The "it's all in who you know" system at work here. Meanwhile, or should I say, afterward, Ivy astounded us with a second place finish of 12:37. Yes, that's two miles folks, and she is all calm and collected. See Savannah for the action shots.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I am not doing well keeping this updated. I have even lost my NEW cable for downloading pictures.

News from our family? Ivy is running cross country for the middles school still. Having a great year so far.(thought I'd start in the middle). She is homeschooled except for Algebra which she takes at the middle school since I have to take Joel already and do not want to drive twice. Math is a little harder for her now, but it saves me a lot of time. She is great about getting it done as "homework". We are not managing to keep up in Spanish, but we are DOING it, which is a huge plus.

Joel is running Cross country and doing fine. He is not impressed with all the hard work. He is homeschooled and attends"weight training/cross country class. We have a little more trouble getting all his work done. What, you can't complete an algebra lesson in 30 minutes?

Anna-Laura is swimming and loving it. She is homeschooled completely and we have a lovely time in the afternoons. She likes Hannah Montana, though I am not sure why since we do not have Disney channel and we have not rented the movies. AWANA seems really hard for her this year.

Jeanette is going to school for the first time, in the third grade. She is doing great. She earned lunch with the principal(pizza and cookies) for reading the most! She likes swimming, too. Jeanette puts in her own requests at the library and I am often surprised at what she gets.

Trinity started first grade at school and had a hard time emotionally adjusting. She was not used to "keeping up" and having to be graded on handwriting. She is also easily exhausted at the end of the day. Her homework seems like a lot to me. Trinity likes swimming, finding it challenging.

At this juncture I'd like to say that Jeanette was offered a chance to go to the PUBLIC ballet school here in town. I refused at first because It was too much for me to do. After much begging and pleading I came up with this: What good will it be in ten years? If she becomes a dancer, and that is unlikely, she will have to travel at a young age to a large city in order to accomplish her goals. I will not be able to go with her. Even so, ten years past that, her career in dancing would likely be ending. I want her to invest her time in Faith, by being home when we do our Bible study together. The ballet school is further away. Family, even walking to and from school is great time together. I think , also, that it is a hard enough adjustment to start attending school, then to add to that the 2 or more hours a day of ballet. I am not trying to justify my decision to you, just to show that I really prayed about it and considered HOW it would be beneficial to her. She would love to do it, no doubt. Of course, as the only reigning princess, she would have one more way to show how special she was.

Grant is just three, but I have decided to hold him back now, rather than later when he notices. His birthday is late August, so he would always be among the youngest and boys I think need to be able to lead. Experience can only help.

Benjamin is a senior and, to be honest, I hate all the paperwork that goes with that. All the tests and applications, FAFSA, it is so much to remember. So far, his cross country season has not gone well, and he was pinning all his hopes on a scholarship for running. He is helping me teach AWANA Puggles and he is great at that. He attends school full time.

Savannah , I just figured out on Friday has 4 jobs! She works at the restaurant, writes for the paper, does photography and substitute teaches! I think she was offered another job on Friday by a parent who came to the team dinner at my house.

Liberty (also known as the Bird) often has whole conversations, just in a foreign tongue. She can follow directions and sign a host of words.

Is there more? Of course, but my fingers are tired and I must do school sometime!

Friday, September 05, 2008

I have been busy, but also mulling things over. A friend said that I just need to move past the guilt. It is true. All of you, my friends have been SOO supportive, and non judgemental. THANK YOU! I have come to the conclusion that a large part of my identity as a woman/mom included "teacher". It was HARD to let that go. Aside from the logistical snafus that will entail any time you are on a schedule that someone else chooses, school is actually OK. Of course, I do not agree with everything that goes on. For example, what IS this business that Jeanette is not allowed to check out books above her tested reading level? I mean she is not trying to read War and Peace, just an American Girl book that we don't happen to own. Whatever, we will get it from the public library, or, I will check it out myself, as I have persuaded the librarian to allow Anna to use the library. Trinity had a harder adjustment, she still wants to PLAY. She should! On the other hand, it is nice to have someone else hold her accountable for some things. But I do wish the teacher had not used the example of the "tooth fairy" to point out differences between American children and Chinese children.

#1 I was emptying the dishwasher and was just about to close it when Jeanette hollered, "wait!" She reached in and pulled out............. a shoe! IT belonged to Liberty. Truth be told, her feet HAD smelled in those shoes, I guess she wanted to clean them. I had found the one, but missed the other that now sports a burn mark on the top where it rested against the element.

#2 We have been reading "Making brothers and Sisters Best Friends" and came to the place where we discussed Humility and how it is the key to all relationships. At the end of Bible study Jeanette finally spoke up with a question I guess she had been pondering for a while, " I thought humility was when it was hot!"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This is even harder than I imagined it would be. I don't want to make snap judgements, but to give things time to work out. So far, it is a jumble and I am not thrilled about some things. Mostly, I just MISS my kids and know that no one loves them like I do. On the other hand, I only have 24 hours a day, and the children who need more of my time ARE getting it. I suppose I could drop sports. But, to tell the truth, I like going to watch the children and conversing with other parents. Where is my post-it note to tell me what is BEST, not just good?

On the other hand, Ben is not taking anything first period, and since we are forced to get up earlier, we can all at least pray together, and I am hoping for Bible study again. He is agreeable to it, and that is exciting for me. HE is able to have Joel with him at his practice AND pick up Ivy after hers, so that is good. I like getting out and walking everyday. Trying to come up with more positive things. I'll keep you posted. Pun intended!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pix from Robin Hood, the second play the kids did this summer. Ivy was a member of the merry band, Anna-Laura was a guard, and Jeanette and Trinity were skunks!

This is my last day of life as I know it. A couple of weeks ago I made a huge decision and registered the two youngest girls for the public school up the street. Everyone says it is a great school. I keep saying, I don't care, I just want them with me! It is VERY hard for me. I am doing it because I really need more time with some of the others. The situation is critical. I KNOW they will be fine, but I LOVE teaching that age group. Everything is fresh and new. Ok, enough, there will be drops on my computer screen. Pray that all goes well and I don't have a breakdown!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

I have not posted for a while. We have been involved in many things and my mother is coming on Tuesday. Mostly I have been thinking and praying for our friends the Wades and their children who are now our adult friends and their children. That sounds more confusing than it is. Keegan, their grandson/son was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome in 2006. He became very ill in early July and passed away this past Wednesday. It breaks my heart that we could not go and support them, you see, we are the Wastainkehams, collectively. Keegan was the youngest boy of our group. We miss him and the children(okay, mostly Trinity) are full of questions.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Photo Meme

The rules:
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s mosaic maker.

1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your flickr name.

This was actually fun! However, I do not know what a flickr name is, so I made one up!
So Evan called a couple of days ago with big news! I know most of you think you can guess what I am going to say next, but you are wrong. He randomly interviewed for a swim coach position and was accepted. Did I mention he will be moving to Chicago ? He and Liz are thrilled, I do not like cold weather, or long drives, so the logistics of visiting are going to be tricky!

In other news, my brain finally kicked in and I outright BOUGHT a new card reader for only five dollars more than the cable I lost(if I knew wwhat size it was). You guessed it, still sitting in the package in front of me waiting to be hooked up. Maybe one day you, too can see pictures of our antics.

The Hemphill clan was here last week. We had a blast, AND, for the curious, a true Chastain vacation, complete with a child misplacement, bee sting and afterward, total car breakdown(3 out of 4). We will NOT be travelling this summer due to lack of funding.

Savannah is still looking for the perfect job, but has at least found a different one, for the moment. She is still trying to do her own photography after a really strange run-in with an unnamed portrait studio where the manager told her she was not going to be employed because she did not have experience with children!

This week we are running around like crazy people trying to get everyone to practice for the Missoula children's theater show"Robinson Crusoe." Anna finally got into show business after five auditions! Trinity is also excited to be in the production. More on that later, I hope.

Liberty started walking a month ago, but just yesterday broke out with her first tooth. She is in her separation anxiety stage, so I am kept busy with her. Liberty is beginning to sign.

I hope to catch up with more news later. Happy Summer!

Friday, July 18, 2008

I did not even realize it had been SO long since I had blogged. Whoops. Sorry, it is a crazy summer, but that is no excuse. Writer's block? Actually, I cannot update you because I must rush off to deliver some children to the church to go and spend the night at the zoo, then go to the grocery store, then cook dinner, then make a bug from trash items, then do more laundry! But we are doing ok! Oh, and I can't find the cord to connect the card reader to my computer, so no pix for the moment. Does anyone know where I put it?

Monday, June 09, 2008

I can't believe how long I let this sit idle. Of course, it has been a whirlwind. Ivy going to State, end of the schoolyear schedules, and of course, the computer! After it was fixed, my memory stick on my camera died, plus I have misplaced the cord for my card reader. Then the keyboard on the computer died! I have lost a lot of my "favorites" for sites I read.

A few quick updates.

Savannah was NOT accepted into Graduate school, but says she would like to get out from under her debts first. She was "interned" as an interview for the local paper, but they hired someone else. She put in her two weeks at Golden corral, and then changed her mind. Still searching for where God would have her. She is still freelancing, and did a wedding this weekend. We have tried to refrain from making her decisions for her!

Ben is working summer hire on the base, and has started swimming. Joel has joined up with the cross country team and is trying out swimming tonight. Mike ran with the team today, too. The three middle girls have gone off to GA camp this week and the house feels empty! The three littles played in the wading pool, Liberty for the first time.

I have agreed to teach VBS "Babies-1" class. I figured I would spend most of my time there anyway. I am also taking on a writing project. More to come on that.

Evan finished a semester of Grad school, and says it is HARD. Liz has one semester left. Evan has an intellectual blog, so read it if you dare:

Maybe I will have a moment to philosophize this week. But if not, I will be playing in the sun!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

FYI, Our computer contracted a level 10(out of 10) virus and has been at the shop. This is a bare bones computer and until today I could only check email(but not read attachments). Also, we have been run ragged with soccer, end of the year track stuff, etc. I hope to be back next week! I miss you all.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

National Poem Month

In the spirit of April being national poem month(found this out at the library), we have some work to share with you. Enjoy!


Bacon is a delicious treat.

A food that tastes so sweet.

Can beat all other meats.

Only one way to see if it is the best meat.

Now try it with your feet!


I love Bacon in a bowl

Absolutely delectable!

With a Camel

and some Oil

in a Net!


Bacon is good to eat.

A slice of Bacon comes from a pig.

Considering bacon for lunch.

On a plate?

Not my head!


Bacon, bacon in the makin'

Achin', achin', sides full of bacon

Cakin', cakin' on that bacon

Oh boy, Oh boy, too much bacon!

Nappin', Nappin' after all that bacon.

Friday, April 25, 2008

After MONTHS of searching, we found 2 cars that were pretty much what we were looking for. One was more expensive, but had a little more wiggle room. However, the smaller van got better gas mileage. What to do? So I insisted on test driving them with all the kids to see how the clambering in and out would work. Of course, it was pouring down rain that day! We went with the smaller van, and it IS tight, but the savings in gas mileage was necessary!

We still have not sold the bus, so if you know anyone in the market for a 15 passenger van, please let us know.

P.S. I have a CD player now, but my CDs are YEARS old. Which is great when it is Rich Mullins. Any suggestions(and of course donations) are welcome!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Vote for the "funkiest"outfit!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

SO, I had these great plans to have Joel, Ben and Ivy make dinner while I had the other children at soccer practice. I got a curveball when the mom who usually transports one of my children to the next site had altered the arrangement. Then, when I called home to give further instructions, my children informed me that our home was without power. Hmm. Well, it HAS happened a couple of times before, usually not for long. I called back three times, and finally figured out that the reason they would only answer cell phones was that our home phone is cordless! I am quick, you know. As I left the practice fields at 6:40, I was informed that there was STILL no power. No power, NO dinner. Mike was in class. I debated my options. Go to Walmart and pick up roasted chicken and sides(presuming there are any there at this hour), drive through, tell the kids to cook on the grill in the fast falling dusk, eat pb and j. What to do. I was completely befuddled. I really WANTED to have a solution that we could survive without power, but you know, I had not planned for it like we have for a hurricane or typhoon. I was so disappointed with myself when I finally chose to drive through. I just wanted to get home before dark and feed the kids before 7.
I lit the one pillar candle we had and the two tiny tealights to eat by. You may have noticed that I am not a big candle person. All those children and fire, I just don't think it is a good mix. It was kind of funny what the kids chose to do with themselves. Trinity was bored and wanted to watch TV. Could not grasp why I said NO. Jeanette read a book with a flashlight. Ivy and Anna organized all the flashlights and found out which batteries we needed. Ben and Joel were outside, but then I sent them to the store for candles and batteries(only 2 flashlights actually came on!) At 8 :15 I called a friend who camps to see if she had lanterns I could borrow so Ben could do his homework. Now you know that 5 minutes later the power came on!
I felt oddly upset with myself that I had not organized a cozy story time, or a fun game to play in the absence of electricity. It is not like I have never come up against something like this before. It has just been a long time. IS it just me, or are we SO dependent on modern life that we do not know what to do with ourselves when presented with down time like this.
Just some random thoughts in the dark.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ivy Qualified for STATE!

This past weekend, Regional qualifiers were held and she ran 3000 m(3K)(1.9 miles) in 11.41 minutes! This is about a 40 second improvement over last year. Go Ivy!

Joel also participated, but has not discovered his best event yet. Good job Joel for going out giving it your best!

Look at that hair fly!

Ben is too much of a distance runner to make it out of districts to regionals, but he loves running anyway. His best time for 3200m this year was 10.32.

Sorry if you are bored with runner speak.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hop-a-Long Trinity

Two weeks ago Trinity sprained her ankle and after 5 days, I took her in because it was still hurting her. This is a "partial cast" for 10 days. It is really cramping her style. And mine, to tell the truth. She is sleeping on the floor(as opposed to her top bunk), and having to shower on a little stool with her leg wrapped in grocery bags. It was especially sad for her because after weeks of practice, she missed her first soccer game. The team is made up of mostly tiny 4 year olds and super agressive Trini-chan. We go back Monday.

Friday Funny
Last night Ben decided to make a milkshake. He was peeling a banana to put in when he suddenly hollered and shot the banana across the room. A startled Joel received this explanation, "Fruit Fly." He thought it was a rather reaching joke until he realized Ben did not mean it as a joke, he literally had gotten a fruit fly in the eye! They were chortling about it the whole time they made milkshakes.

The answer to yesterday's crossword is: Anna-Laura, Jeanette, and of course, Liz! Congratulations to Melinda who got them all! But equal kudos to Jennifer and Alex(can't believe you missed Liz, Alex!) for getting everybody but Liz. The question WAS subjective, it is kind of up to the individual whether Liz is missing, since I did not give birth to her!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday
Yes, I am aware it is not Wednesday anymore, but I have been saving this picture all week and cannot pass up the opportunity to put up the silly crossword that was made by Trinity(with help from an unnamed third party) In case you are wondering, we ran out of blocks to spell the names of the remaining people. You can win the special bonus of an email from Trinity by commenting on the names of those who are missing. You must get them all to win!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

For all you homeschoolers, and homeschool wannabes, homeschool usedtobes, and just happy there are homeschooler tobes:

The HSB Front Porch is having a contest and you can win a $50 gift certificate just for blogging about The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Spring Promo before midnight April 30, 2008. Subscribe now to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and receive 25 BONUS gifts valued at over $550! The Winter Promo sold out, don't miss out on the free gifts this time!They are also giving away a $150 gift certificate to the Schoolhouse Store. All print subscribers (new or renewing) between April 3 - 30, 2008 will be automatically entered into a drawing. No purchase neccessary to win. To enter without subscribing, please send a postcard with your name, address, telephone number, and email address to:The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Spring Promo ContestPO BOX 8426Gray, TN 37615

My friend Nancy bought this magazine for me in Okinawa, of all places. I just loved it. I have been a subscriber for over 3 years now. Just when I think, ok, I am NOT doing this anymore, or(heaven forbid) After 15+ years, what can they possibly say that I don't already know (Let me tell you, LOTS!!!) there is EXACTLY the encouragement I need. For instance, this year I started a whole new spelling program, and it came from their store with a free book about Dyslexia. I learned tons, and the light went on for one of my kids who just NEVER got spelling. This magazine is NOT fluff, it is real people. Consider this a personal endorsement from me!

There is supposed to be an image on here, linking you to a page about the magazine and prizes you receive, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to attach.

Monday, April 14, 2008

About a BLOG

I noticed one of those "buttons" on a blog where you can check the readability of your blog. A couple of the blogs I read announced their status as "college-level" readability. Not that only college educated people were able to read it, just that their writing was on that level. Was it vanity that made me enter my blog? I was horrified to receive an "elementary"level. My children tried to console me, saying that it was great that all levels of folks could read my blog. But, at a deeper level, I felt absolutely upset. After all, how many elementary students know the word "erstwhile", I ask you? I railed at the computer, much to the amusement of my small child filled audience. Somehow, wanting to vindicate my report, I entered Savannah's photography business page. I sat there dumbfounded as the diagnostic proclaimed her blog to be on "Genius" level! Am I a blog-writing snob?
Once upon a time, my husband would shout out "ching! 25 cent word!" when I used a long word in a sentence. For a few weeks, I used smaller words, wanting to avoid this particular form of announcement. Then I decided that using smaller words meant that I assumed the person I was talking to was not as smart as I was. That was not right either! Finally I just decided to be myself, and my dh has stopped giving my words money designations.
For a time, we had a single friend who would actually whip out a notebook and write down my "vocabulary" words. Let me tell you, that will give you a bit of false pride! One day, a group of us were discussing the tomato, is it a fruit or vegetable? When I said, "Horticulturally speaking, the tomato is a fruit." Someone on the other side of the room burst out laughing, "Did you just say horticulturally speaking?" "Now I have heard everything!" I'm fairly certain he was being sarcastic!
I want to be clear in my writing, but also not ramble on. Most mistakes I make are usually typing errors, but I am not the most articulate, either. I guess my feelings were a little hurt. By a computer program. Who knows what criteria it is set up to judge? Boy, do I need to get over myself or what? Another little lesson on pride for yours truly!
Easter Pictures This is the best shot I could get!
Didn't my mother-in-law pick the dresses that just perfectly suit the girls'personalities?

Grant doing his dance routine



Joel, hope he doesn't shoot me for this picture. He is all about the hair right now, and the wind was really blowing.

I LOVE this pic, well, except for the dried snot!

He is not REALLY trying to be cool, the sun was in his eyes.

Jeanette, and don't worry we have since located a more appropriate sweater.

Blog Archive

About Me

My photo
I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.