Stocking Dilemma
So I am wondering, at what point are stockings retired? Not that I am anxious to stop putting them up, just curious. Evan was offended when I included his name in parentheses in our Christmas newsletter the first year he was married. He has not been home for Christmas since 2004, and he has been married for 2 1/2 years. I don't have a stocking for Liz, should I make one? Should I hang theirs separately? Should I wait until they are actually HERE for Christmas? When they have children? It looks awkward to leave him off, but I feel funny not having one for Liz, who surely is part of the family. Does her mother hang her stocking? How many kings were there? We don't know, just that there were three gifts. What does that have to do with stockings? I put wismen on Liberty's stocking. You can never have too many wisemen. I prefer to call them wisemen. Not fond of astrologers in today's connotation. Please participate in my informal survey.