Stocking Dilemma
So I am wondering, at what point are stockings retired? Not that I am anxious to stop putting them up, just curious. Evan was offended when I included his name in parentheses in our Christmas newsletter the first year he was married. He has not been home for Christmas since 2004, and he has been married for 2 1/2 years. I don't have a stocking for Liz, should I make one? Should I hang theirs separately? Should I wait until they are actually HERE for Christmas? When they have children? It looks awkward to leave him off, but I feel funny not having one for Liz, who surely is part of the family. Does her mother hang her stocking? How many kings were there? We don't know, just that there were three gifts. What does that have to do with stockings? I put wismen on Liberty's stocking. You can never have too many wisemen. I prefer to call them wisemen. Not fond of astrologers in today's connotation. Please participate in my informal survey.
Well I'd have to say that I did not put up a stockig for the girls after they were married, but I don't have beautiful homemade stockings. I've even bought different store-bought stockings now. Although I do have a stocking for Nathan and the kids, but not yet for Matt and Becca. Although that could be since we did spend Christmas together with Amy and her family but not yet with Cassie and hers. Hey do whatever you like I dont think this is helpful one bit. How about putting a toe ring off of Evan's stocking and attaching Liz's stocking from it? LOL
Ok, not really super helpful, but funny. I like the toe attachment idea!
You could always just do one stocking for Even & Liz, as sort of a symbol as how they have now moved on to a new journey in life as one.. On another note! I totally remember cutting out those angels for Jeanette's stocking!!
Could you squeeze Liz's name on Evans? That way, you will have one for each of your kid's families instead of each person. Or just make a new one with both of Evan's and Liz's names, and leave room to add kids names when they have kids. One stocking per family and you wouldn't have 100 stockings covering your wall. And just keep Evan's as a memory.
After sharing with Kristin your dilemna she has no thought on stockings but wonders about the wisemen. She agrees with the song it is We 3 KINGS of orient are, Therefore are all kings wise? There certainly were unwise kings (Kristin's words) so calling them wisemen doesn't fly with her. LOL I asked if they were astrologers following the star again she sang--no they are 3 kings! JUst thought you'd appreciate Kristin's thoughts!
I would hang up another stocking for your daughter-in-law, I guess! My in-laws have one for me at their place.
My parents filled our stockings every year until we were married or almost married. My 23 year old brother still gets one!
Oh, I think EVERYONE should have a stocking!
In my home - only 4 of us- there are 6 stockings. My nephew, who is 19! And AUNT KENDRA. 4 others are coming to visit this year and bringing their stocking is a must to me!
I think I would always have one for each of my children and in-laws and grandchildren and ALL who are family!
Just my thoughts. That may overwhelm you with 10 children...but the more the merrier! Ask Evan and Liz! ????
We have a stocking for everyone...grown sons and their wives and children, although there is only ONE grandchild at the moment. We even have stockings for all the pets. However, the stockings only get put up for those who are actually with us on Christmas. If your mailing address changed this last year, would you e-mail it to me, my cards/pics are going out late this year.
My opinion is that we ought to do away with stockings altogether and hang our own socks; reasoning? My feet are bigger than yours-->I get more stuff-->We can all fit on one wall instead of having to spread us out evenly.
Dilemna: My socks will stretch if you put an orange in them.
Solution: We get new socks each year anyway (except this year, I seemed to be so lost in the controversy of the moment that I didn't get socks...or underwear).
All in all, it is true that neither Liz nor I will be at every Christmas in the future. Some have suggested that you send me the stocking and have me bring it with me when I come. I don't like that. Consider this, do the Jews send Elijah his seat when he is not present?
Assuming that we don't hang socks and stick with the original stocking plan, why would one feel the need to hang stockings for the wife of the child? Granted, she has become a part of the family, but the family is still the singular core. As Amy said, if you get a stocking for every child, and his or her significant other, you would end up with 22 stockings. Assuming that each child has half the amount of children his or her parents had, that is 72 stockings. And that is if you guys are done with kids...
I say leave mine up, and get a plain one for the in-laws when they visit.
And Mayleen spelled my name wrong!
fun dilemma you have had. i like to keep things simple, but that's impossible for you. hmm...why not just keep putting them up? (rhetorical)
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