Friday, February 15, 2008

No Orange Julius. I know you were all worried about that. No goofy golf either. Liberty had a fever all night and all day and later in the afternoon began throwing up. So, we went nowhere. But, Mike went out and got some shrimp and rolls and a movie(which got left in the cart in the parking lot and diappeared before he could get back.) I made some absolutely fantastic cupcakes and icing from a recipe I got at Jennifer's bog at Gathering grace. If I knew how to link you, I would do it. ( Jennifer explained this to me, let me know if it works)I asked Ben if he knew how and he said yes, but did not help me.

I happened upon a couple of blogs yesterday that were VERY anti-valentine. It seems some people develop unreal expectations from each other,etc. I had really never thought of it that way. Personally, I received a fondue fountain that is, of course, for everyone in the family. I say, good. This notion of having to buy a perfect and romantic present or have a romantic evening IS unrealistic. It is really only a special day for us because of our personal change in relationship. I have always liked hearts, so everything looks cute to me.

What do you think?

I will be busy today as now Grant has the fever. Hope he does not throw up!


Anonymous said...

We don't do much any more of the "too high expectations." We were very busy with swimming, track, band and soccer, so just to have dinner together as a family was enough for us. T.J. even had a friend over after practice (to tutor in Calculus) -- and our big Valentine's dinner included steamed rice, egg rolls, gyoza and moo shoo pork (which of course leads our kids into songs by the Veggies! Remember when y'all sang the Chastain version at BTG?). Oh, they had chocolate at dinner, too. It's allowed -- it's Valentine's! Andy and I will eat out tomorrow at the church's Valentine's dinner. We'll take whatever kind of date we can get!

Daniel's had a bit of the fever, too, but not too bad.

Anonymous said...

My two tips for the day...

1. Puff babies... you sprinkle the powdered sugar and lemon juice on after they cook. You can also use maple syrup. The lemon really is tasty, though...

2. To link...
First go to the place you want to link to and "copy" the http address in the google bar.

Then go to your post and highlight the word you want people to be able to click on.

Next, click on the little "thingy" in the bar above your post (I have no idea what it is supposed to be... it is in there with the fonts and colors and all that. I think if you hover over it it may say, "link to..." or something. It's shaped like an ellipsis).

A space should pop up for you to paste your http address code into. Do that and then click "ok." You're done.

If I'm unclear, ask again...

I am not at all worried about you linking to me - don't even worry about THAT, but I just thought you might like to have a bit of help! There was a time when I got some help from a bloggy friend, too for the same thing. :)

Happy weekend! Hope everyone feels better soon. Sometimes it feels like the world stops spinning when sickness strikes. Hang in.
Glad you liked the cupcakes! Weren't they divine?

Hynson Family Notes said...

We left unrealistic behind years ago.We do the simple card and flowers/chocolate thing and everybody is happy. Hope all in your house feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

More tips comin' up!

The blog design was by Jennisa, I think I found her through Mari and Terri. Anyway, I only had her do the outside edges instead of the whole page, but you can have her do more if you want. You can view her ideas at her website - I think you can click on her name at the bottom of my blog to find her.

Most blog designers are a bit expensive (in the $50-75 mark) but she was $20 for the full page and she only charged me $10 for the sides. I can justify $10. I have no idea how to make those kind of changes myself, though. She does not claim to be a professional, so her fees are very low. I'm happy enough with mine. The only thing is I do have to manually change the colors on my posts every time. But it's no big deal.

I used to have another picture on there, but blogger changed things and one day I went on and the picture didn't fit anymore! I tried various things and sometimes they worked, sometimes they didn't. You have to keep fiddling with that if you don't want Jennisa to do it. (I don't think her name is really Jennisa - I think that is a combination of names somehow, but anyway, whatever...)

The music is easier - and free. Scroll down my page to the widget that says "Sonific Song Spot" and click on it - it should take you to Sonific. From there you should be able to figure it out if you take a few minutes.

You have to pick a song, then right click on the code it gives you to "copy."

Then go back to your blog, go into "customize," and pick the "add an http code."

"Paste" the code in there. That should do it. I haven't done it in awhile, but I seem to recall that the directions were pretty clear - and if I can do it, that's a good sign. I'm not a computer geek by any stretch of the imagination!

But I'm feeling smarter by the minute! :)

Momma Tammi said...

Too high expectations...HA HA! We went to Value Village, GoodWill and picked up a pizza at Pizza Hut on the way home. Ray studied for a message and I read a book. How's that for high expectations?

We'll be praying for your little ones that aren't feeling so grand.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you Laura----I know how draining taking care of sick children can be. Hopefully the sickness can be contained. :)

About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.