I meant to post a Friday Funny, but did not really have one until late Friday and then I got too busy. In the meantime, more things occurred, so you are blessed to be regaled with a few hilarious happenings at our house!
On Friday, we had granola bars for snack time. By the way, we have snack everyday at 3pm. I read this idea in Edith Schaeffer's(wife of Francis Schaeffer of L'Abri) book The Hidden Art of Homemaking. I love the idea of everyone stopping whatever they are working on and taking a break. You know we are hungry at that time anyway. The funny thing is, my kids are SO trained into this that they start checking the time no matter WHERE we are and asking what we will have for snack. I usually offer several varieties of granola bars, since everyone has their preferences. Apparently, some of my children are too lazy to actually read the box entirely, and prefer to guess at what they think it says. This drives me crazy, and strange things often result from this. Like the time I ended up coming home from the grocery store with fish sticks for breakfast instead of french toast sticks! Congratulations to you if you are still following my very fractured train of thought. In the middle of snack time, Anna was answering Savannah that her choice had been peanut butter flavored granola bars. She told us all how glad she was to have it. You see, she had understood the box to say that the flavor of granola bars it contained were oats and honey cinnamon apple peanut butter, and that just did not appeal to her. But Anna is a brave soul, and was willing to give this odd concoction a try. Imagine her relief to find that the box had three flavors of granola bars packaged separately! Savannah gave her a sidelong glance and dubbed her, "variety pack!"
AT supper, Michael and I were chatting as the kids got up and began clearing when we suddenly looked over and noticed
On Friday, we had granola bars for snack time. By the way, we have snack everyday at 3pm. I read this idea in Edith Schaeffer's(wife of Francis Schaeffer of L'Abri) book The Hidden Art of Homemaking. I love the idea of everyone stopping whatever they are working on and taking a break. You know we are hungry at that time anyway. The funny thing is, my kids are SO trained into this that they start checking the time no matter WHERE we are and asking what we will have for snack. I usually offer several varieties of granola bars, since everyone has their preferences. Apparently, some of my children are too lazy to actually read the box entirely, and prefer to guess at what they think it says. This drives me crazy, and strange things often result from this. Like the time I ended up coming home from the grocery store with fish sticks for breakfast instead of french toast sticks! Congratulations to you if you are still following my very fractured train of thought. In the middle of snack time, Anna was answering Savannah that her choice had been peanut butter flavored granola bars. She told us all how glad she was to have it. You see, she had understood the box to say that the flavor of granola bars it contained were oats and honey cinnamon apple peanut butter, and that just did not appeal to her. But Anna is a brave soul, and was willing to give this odd concoction a try. Imagine her relief to find that the box had three flavors of granola bars packaged separately! Savannah gave her a sidelong glance and dubbed her, "variety pack!"
AT supper, Michael and I were chatting as the kids got up and began clearing when we suddenly looked over and noticed
This afternoon as we ate lunch there were simultaneous converstions going on(as if you are surprised by this). Unfortunately, many of my children are easily confused about who is talking to whom. So, as we were discussing the merits and intricacies of the multi grain frozen rolls I have discovered and fed to the family twice, another thread was introduced. Thus it happened that we were explaining the difference between sunflower seeds and sunflower nuts when Anna asked how they got sunflower seeds attached to the strawberries. Did they do it when they were first planted, or after they were picked? I guess you really should not eavesdrop and try to join in conversations where you don't really know what people are talking about!
Did someone say "variety pack"?
Hey, you!
I love reading your posts, and whenever you comment on mine I always think, "why have I not been over there lately?" Finally I realized today that I had not ever added you to my google reader. I just can't keep up without that thing. Someone told me about it a few months ago and it was a HUGE lifesaver - the pressure is OFF. Everyone comes to me now. :)
And now you will, too, so you should hear from me more often.
The conversational thing that bugs me at my house is when someone (usually daughter #2) pipes into the middle of my conversation with "what?" or "who?" I refuse to begin my conversation over completely for her idle curiosity. Wasn't that very topic addressed in a Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle book somewhere? Where is Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle when you need her, anyway? :)
Y'all have a great week. I'm currently in need of a shot of energy, but I'll make it.
And by the way, of COURSE you are also deserving of an award, so if you will go to my blog, you can take your pick off the sidebar. Like I said, I'm low on energy. They all say "pass this along to 10 readers" and I only have about 10 consistent readers, anyway! :) But they are all quite deserving. Help yourself! Take two or three, or ALL of them, for that matter! I'm feeling generous. :)
I'm with Anna. That combination wouldn't sound too apetising to me either.
What is Grant(?) doing? It looks like he is straightening his noodles. Was he planning on building something or just fascinated with the noodles? And, hey; at least they weren't on his head. :-)
My kids do that , too. One on particular is SOOO nosy! Grant IS working with spaghetti noodles. He was making "roads". It was hysterical because he never said a word until we asked him what he was doing. He just quietly sat there designing. I said, "If he starts scuplting a landform in Utah, I get to go."
Oh yeah, WHAt is a google reader, and how do I get one? I just have everyone in favorites.
Oh, you must check out the google reader. Try googling the term. If you get it pulled up, it will walk you through it, easy peasy. Basically, you simply put in your favorite blogs' URL's (beginning with http...), then click on "subscribe." It takes care of the rest.
Add the reader to your favorites, then when you have time to read blogs, you go to the reader and it will automatically have all the entries from your favorite blogs listed right there for you. You can read some from each post right there, and if you want to read more, you just click on the arrow and it takes you directly to the blog.
You can mark them as read when you're done, and star your favorites for quick reference. You can put the blogs in a "favorites" folder, or "others," or label them however you'd like to help you keep track. It's a very handy helpful tool and saves a lot of time clicking around here and there.
If you can't figure it out, let me know, but it couldn't have been too hard or I would not have been able to get it done all by myself! No one even gave me any directions, I just heard the words and googled the term.
Sounds like a wonderful evening around the Chastain dinner table! or breakfast or lunch or snack. Pick one! Always fun!
Gotta love little boys and their inventions! You go, Grant!
BTW, I think Drew and Anna are "still" on their similar wave lengths! Great post!
Designing roads. That's cool.I love that age. They are so wide open and imaginative.
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