Monday, October 20, 2008

Grant and Trinity had a joint birthday party in early August so my mother could be here for it. It was a race car birthday party. Fun was had by all (except for those who were too cool to participate, or were working).

Guess what? Ben had my cable to the card reader ALL this time! It was in his backpack! Now I can show you the pix I've been taking. I know you are sitting on the edge of your seat there. This post is wildly out of order. I apologize, and I might add that I do not have time to fix it. I get to go out for lunch today! Without bringing extra short people and with my friend. What? You want proof? HMM.
I will try to post more pictures of things that happened this summer, and pictures of Anna, Ben, Joel and I at the SARAH PALIN rally! No promises for a timeline though, the laundry is competing for my attention.


Anonymous said...

Ya gotta love a Chastain party! Always very creative! Love the cars game!

lrh said...

I love it, especially the box cars with pie plates for wheels. You are so creative. :-)

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

I too love the pie plate wheels!
Looks like such fun!


Anonymous said...

So glad you found it!! The kids look like they definately enjoyed the fun at the party!!! Luv ya

About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.