Friday, but I can't think of anything funny!
I'm sure all kinds of funny things happen, but you really don't want to hear about how Liberty says"FUNNY!" every time she passes gas loudly. Or about how Grant took a whiteboard marker and gave Liberty as well as himself beautiful blue mustaches.
I have company coming and desparately need to clean my house. Not that they would not like the house as it is, we also have an inspection coming up. It just overwhelms me. I don't see what needs doing until it gets out of control. Don't tell me to go to fly lady, I could not figure it out. I need a method. Strangely, though we quit swimming for the time being, I seem to have LESS time.
If anyone knows what happened to my copy of the book "Pumpkin Runner"(BTW, I would underline that, but I can't figure that out either!), please let me know.
Random pictures will now appear.

Jeanette is a Pineapple princess!
Trinity sits on ice!

What do you have an inspection for? I didn't think you lived on base anymore.
Your kids and markers. I remember when Anna-Laura colored her knees blue because she thought they looked like buttons. Hahaha. I hope you have fun with my mom and Kristin!! Wish I was there!
Can Grant come and give Naima a mustache!!?? ha ha =)
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