I am just going to ramble, because, as they say in "The Princess Bride" (Doesn't everyone have a script next to them?) "Let me 'splain. No. There is too much ." It is soccer season, still finishing track and Tee-ball just started. Grant got a black eye last night from standing up in the computer chair with Liberty while Trinity spun them around. Hello, can anyone say Centrifugal force? Ben was planning to go to FSU, but we just found out they wanted him starting this summer! Where in the world will we get the money for that? Yikes. No one really wants to buy life insurance in this economy, so that puts a crimp in our style. Ben broke the arbitrary don't go to the prom mandate, and it was ok. Jeanette and I got to go on a dolphin cruise, but my camera ran out of batteries after 4 pictures. I am supposed to do testing next week, but the tests haven't come in yet. Joel's friend Jake got the chicken pox even though he had the shot, so I got him to come hug Grant and Liberty. Anna just fell over on her bike and is whining at me. Savannah likes Hawaii, but it has presented quite the emotional learning curve. Evan and Liz are wondering what to do for Ben's graduation. Frankly, so am I. TOo much to think about!
Liberty moved to Savannah's bed and does ok most of the time, though I was up with her for about 1/2 hour last night. Trinity loves T-ball, but thinks she will go back to soccer after this. Ben's van was sideswiped by a little old lady who then drove off. But he was clever and got her license plate #. His car was totalled and he just started driving the "new"van. It is like mine but white. I got to go to the Third day concert and take Ivy and Anna. Please see my facebook account for all the pix.
I think that is mostly what happened this month. Maybe there was more. I'll save it up and subject you to further ramblings...
Pretty prom pic. Ben looks so grown up.
I don't think I have your energy. Too much activity. I would leave someone somewhere, forget to pick someone up, I don't see how you do it.
And that just about does it. Whew.
Andy should be home around August 1. The plan is to take a few days at Disney, maybe a swing thru FWB on the way home? David and Daniel are homeschooling starting this summer, and we should talk soon about college. Highschoolers have AP exams then regular exams then all the fun of summer starts. Miss y'all, and take a few moments for yourself.
Leslie, I keep a Chick-fil-A calendar, don't sleep enough, and we have three drivers.
Melinda, Ben says he just does not want to go to summer school, and he NEEDS to work to pay for college anyway. He absolutely does not want to do ROTC. I am wondering in the back of my mind if he is just not ready for all this. I am walking around saying to myself, "It's going to be ok, It's going to be ok." I really wanted him to be able to go to Samford, and they tried to help us, but we just cannot afford it at all.
PLEASE swing by, though it is HOURS out of the way.
Why are you planning to talk to Daniel and David about college?
Ben is still taking AP exams, then we have the hoopla of graduation, both sets of grandparents plan to appear.
David and Daniel -- homeschooling.
You and I should talk about college.
Love CFA calendars and coupons.
I don't sleep either. I now have a second driver back home. It's great.
Yes to summer jobs if we can work them around our summer lifestyle.
Not sure about Florida yet but am still working on research. 'Nite. I think.
Hi There - wanted to respond to your comment on my blog.
Super Size Saturday is a weekly schedule. What you visited was our schedule. If you visit on a Saturday you will see a Mr. Linky. If you've written a post (either that week or in the past) that you'd like to share, you click the "you're next" and add your name and the link to the post. Then others who come to see - for example today is Road Trips - will see to visit your blog to see what you have to say about the topic as well as what I and others have said.
Unfortunately, something happened this a.m. and so the first couple of links were deleted.
Hope that helps.
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