Life at Supersonic speed!

This month just sped by. All that end of the school year stuff. I have tons of pictures. Awards night, Field trips, reader's theatre, Graduation, beach days, car wreck, new house, grandparents. I could leave the longest post in the world trying to make up for lost time. I would never make it on Twitter. I have not got the time to keep up with that, anyway.
Currently, we are experiencing an onslaught of car woes. I was rear-ended, and the driver left. My insurance decided to total my car, against my protestations. Ben had a flat. The sliding door fell OFF my car. We moved my seats to Ben's van and made him start driving Savannah's car. It had a flat.

We are closing on a house this Friday(PLEASE Pray). It needs work and moving ourselves seems overwhelming. BEcause this is hanging over our heads, we cannot look for a new(to us) vehicle of any sort. Liberty has been in destructo mode, coloring herself( to include her nails), a doll, 5 shoes, a box, the wall and several bricks with sharpie marks. Fifteen minutes later, she dumped glow in the dark nail polish down her front.
10 runners came to breakfast this morning, then played video games. We primed Trinity's dresser for painting and Jeanette packed 10 boxes! We are in the middle of vacation Bible school where I am doing the nursery. We have 3 physicals scheduled for this week, a visit from the pest control man and Ivy and Anna will be off to AWANA camp on Friday.
I'd love to be witty and philosophical at this point, but haven't the time, or quite frankly, the energy. However, If you do not read Savannah's blog, please check it out. Time is closing in for her to get her support. If you would like to see more photos, go to my facebook page. I hope to put more up soon, but no promises!
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