Friday, November 16, 2007

Trying to think of something funny. Being wildly unsuccessful. Ok, think of something thought-provoking. Again, nothing. So I will leave you with this silly poem Savannah wrote for her dad for his birthday last Sunday. Funny, Sappy, and sentimental. Happy Friday.

So this is the sappy one a poem by yours truly,

Ode to my father of forty-four
Who is twice my age, not a minute more.
It was he who revealed this fact to me,
I was ten, and remember it vividly.
He told me that when he was twenty-two,
He was half the age of his own father too.
He said this had been his discovery,
When he was around the age of ten like me.
As we sat in the car staring eye-to-eye,
I filed this thought into my memory,"
He must have been a smart boy way back then,
to think up such a complex thing at ten!"
And now on the eve of our momentous year
I think back on that memory and it is clear;
You were more than a smart man way back then,
You were king of my heart at the age of ten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet poem; thanks for sharing!

Daniel is in kindergarten; he's still five so we did his shichi-go-san yesterday.

Stalking Point of Grace? That just means I'm a huge fan and have been for years. I know their kids' names and tons of other useless information. I'm like a groupie.

Yes, a PLU (unit) is like an hour; it's basically two 5-hour classes. One has to be a computer competency course then a big test for that. The other will probably be in reading or another language arts course, maybe Gifted Ed. Only God knows how long we'll be here, but I thought I'd get started on it. Re-certification will get me in the door of the system, and Master's will come later.

Love your pictures!!

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.