When we had lots of relatives here last week, someone asked what Evan is doing now. I explained that though he has applied for several jobs since graduating last spring, he has not found one. So, he continues to work at the Rec center. Anna-Laura asked why no one has hired him. I said I suspected it was partly because he is so young. (He went to college a year early, then graduated a year early, so he is 20.) Anna said, "Yes, but he is smart AND funny!"' As if this was an attribute employers were looking for!
His degree in English was meant to help his entrance to Law school, but when the AF did not pick him up as an officer(and hopefully later sponsor his law school through the JAG program), he had not done the paperwork for any schools. He does have applications in now. And he gets paid decently to Lifeguard, teach swim lessons and coach swim team.
Friday Funny
I have sometimes wondered how Evan is doing. Marriage and adulthood are a huge adjustment. It is great he has a job that he enjoys while waiting on the dream to become reality. 'Makes the wait easier.
I remember law school... my husband went to the University of Georgia. We even considered the JAG corp, but ended up prosecuting in my hometown for about 10 years, which were wonderful. It's a good way to learn the ropes, too. Anyway, I hope that process goes smoothly.
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