As a family, we have wrestled for the past couple of years with essentially the same question. We are called to ministry. The exact nature is always changing. We do not have the same revolving house full of singles we have had at other locations, nor the group of young couples. We are not involved at all with the local homeschoolers, though we have been prominent leaders in the past. We have not actively pursued a church calling for many reasons. (Hello, new baby here for one)
SO, the question arises, in a more specific sense. There are many things we KNOW to be the will of God. BUt on many issues He is silent. We have studied "Experiencing God", both adult and youth versions. Blackaby is terrific and really shows how to see God working and to join Him. Many times , we have inadvertently been in the middle of ministry. People came to us, literally appeared in our house when we were not even home sometimes. These are not those days.
Not a "Christmas-y " post for a Monday morning. Yet, vital to the impending season of advent. Ok, it actually started yesterday. I set everything up and then forgot to buy the candles! Praying to reconcile the doubts, to honor the newborn king with our lives!

Savannah took this crazy picture while we were decorating for Christmas!
I love the picture!
I struggle with knowing sometimes too. My husband is a Bishop and pastor, but what exactly is my calling? Some days...I have NO idea, so I just keep doing what I know that I am good at and praying that God will bless it until He shows me what He wants me to do and when He does...I just know in my spirit what it is that He is wanting from me.
Keep doing what you know that you are good at and when He is finished preparing you guys for this next chapter of'll know the direction that He is leading you.
I think at some point in our lives, we all probably face that big question. We have on more than one occassion, but we did have a very long year about 7 years ago when it was a very pressing reality. I felt like I was listening so hard, so intently, only to hear a deafening silence.
But now, re-reading my old journals from that time, I see how much God WAS teaching me. There wasn't much silence. It was just that I was listening for something else.
During that time I read My Utmost for His Highest cover to cover, and it was most helpful. I'd send you a copy, but you probably already have at least one! He talked a lot in there about "the process," and how God is more interested in that than in the end result... we want to get from HERE to THERE, but HE wants to meet us where we are. I still find comfort in that, every day.
yes. I have a copy on my bedside table. Sadly neglected as I wade through "Mere Christianity" by CS Lewis.
Fun picture!
I've left something for you over on my blog!
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