Friday, September 18, 2009

Obviously, I am not blogging as often. Facebook seems easier to manage. Lots going on. Ben went to UWF, got a running scholarship, loves it. Savannah is in South Africa and desperately needs more supporters, but believes this is a walk of faith. Evan loves Chicago. Joel is taking a "real" class at the high school. It is going better than he hoped. Ivy went to high school fulltime. It is an adjustment. She is running fantastically(s that a word?). Anna-Laura is running XC this year. It is better than she thought it would be. Jeanette hopes to join a strings group and will be doing Odyssey of the Mind. Trinity wanted to be homeschooled, but is ok with staying at her previous elementary school. Grant wants to read a Star Wars book, so he says he is willing to do the work to learn to read. He is FOUR!!!!! Can anybody say Evan-clone. Liberty now says her name is "libby" and is trying to potty train. I am still working on the ghostwriting book, it is slow going.
In other news:
Michael has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. His blood sugar was so high that when he began following the diet, his eyes swelled up. his eyesight can be alternately fuzzy, near/far or just painful. The drs. say it may be 6-8 weeks before they settle into a pattern. SO.............he has been put on disability for that time. To say we are living frugally would be an understatement at this point.
however, we have been able to get his sugar levels down. He is doing all kinds of projects around the house and for other people. For him, the stress level is down.
In other news:
Michael has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. His blood sugar was so high that when he began following the diet, his eyes swelled up. his eyesight can be alternately fuzzy, near/far or just painful. The drs. say it may be 6-8 weeks before they settle into a pattern. SO.............he has been put on disability for that time. To say we are living frugally would be an understatement at this point.
however, we have been able to get his sugar levels down. He is doing all kinds of projects around the house and for other people. For him, the stress level is down.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Hi there from our maze of boxes. Actually it isn't that bad anymore. We have located most of the needed items. Well, except that printer cable...
The new house is great and not so great. It has lots of typical "foreclosure" issues. Which is why we were able to afford it! In other news, I got a different van. after spending weeks and lots of money, we and our mechanics had to concede that Ben's white van was not going to ever have air conditioning without the purchase of a brand new compressor, etc. that would cost more than the car! So, as summer dragged on, we hunted for a replacement. At long last, we made a convoluted deal with a friend an bought a jump seat online so my Honda Odyssey would seat eight. You KNOW this is a Chastain blog, so the seat was shipped to our address on base, but we did not find out about it until too late. Who knows what happened to the seat. hopefully we can try to track it down this week. in the meantime I am road tripping to see relatives.
Just in case you are wondering about my strange typing, I have just realized someone hit the insert button and I can't figure out how to shut it off. It is so frustrating that I am signing off now. Hope to have pix when I return.
Let me know if you need the new address. Our phone numbers have stayed the same.
The new house is great and not so great. It has lots of typical "foreclosure" issues. Which is why we were able to afford it! In other news, I got a different van. after spending weeks and lots of money, we and our mechanics had to concede that Ben's white van was not going to ever have air conditioning without the purchase of a brand new compressor, etc. that would cost more than the car! So, as summer dragged on, we hunted for a replacement. At long last, we made a convoluted deal with a friend an bought a jump seat online so my Honda Odyssey would seat eight. You KNOW this is a Chastain blog, so the seat was shipped to our address on base, but we did not find out about it until too late. Who knows what happened to the seat. hopefully we can try to track it down this week. in the meantime I am road tripping to see relatives.
Just in case you are wondering about my strange typing, I have just realized someone hit the insert button and I can't figure out how to shut it off. It is so frustrating that I am signing off now. Hope to have pix when I return.
Let me know if you need the new address. Our phone numbers have stayed the same.
Friday, June 26, 2009

IT's my Birthday!!
Now if I could just remember how old I am. Oh my, or do the math. Never mind, let's skip that part, though I am accepting gifts in the form of service.
We are signing for our house, FINALLY. As usual, the Chastain "summer vacation" did not go as planned. We MUST move this weekend, and have this house clean by Wednesday(July 1). Also, the other house is not clean(at all) and then there is the little matter of packing and shifting lots of large furniture.
My red van is gone. I am sad. I have been driving Ben's white van which I am told will be mine for the duration. I can't come to grips with it. Someone told me they were selling an 8 passenger vehicle when this first happened. The kind she mentioned, I had never heard of. Once I saw it, I could not get it out of my head. As it turns out, we cannot afford it, at all. But now I am always thinking how nice it would have been. Then I feel guilty for not being happy with what I've got. The truth is, I have cared very little what we drove over the years, as long as my children and stroller/groceries fit. Why am I suddenly so taken with this particular car? No idea.
Back to my birthday. It's a strange thing. My mother told me that they almost changed it to the day I was adopted in October. It would have changed who all my friends were, because my grade in school would have been different. Just a random thought. As it turned out, my parents had three more children, 2 born in June and one July 1st. So, I fit right in. Funny how little things like that make a difference.
Enough philosophical birthday musings. However, I just want to say I will NOT be celebrating my birthday in the same manner as my sister chose to observe hers yesterday. I will NOT be filing for divorce. I will NOT be having a tattoo changed from Kanji to a flower. I will NOT be drinking margaritas or going to a dog park. Now there IS a difference!
(my computer will currently NOT let me add a picture. I'll try later)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Life at Supersonic speed!

This month just sped by. All that end of the school year stuff. I have tons of pictures. Awards night, Field trips, reader's theatre, Graduation, beach days, car wreck, new house, grandparents. I could leave the longest post in the world trying to make up for lost time. I would never make it on Twitter. I have not got the time to keep up with that, anyway.
Currently, we are experiencing an onslaught of car woes. I was rear-ended, and the driver left. My insurance decided to total my car, against my protestations. Ben had a flat. The sliding door fell OFF my car. We moved my seats to Ben's van and made him start driving Savannah's car. It had a flat.

We are closing on a house this Friday(PLEASE Pray). It needs work and moving ourselves seems overwhelming. BEcause this is hanging over our heads, we cannot look for a new(to us) vehicle of any sort. Liberty has been in destructo mode, coloring herself( to include her nails), a doll, 5 shoes, a box, the wall and several bricks with sharpie marks. Fifteen minutes later, she dumped glow in the dark nail polish down her front.
10 runners came to breakfast this morning, then played video games. We primed Trinity's dresser for painting and Jeanette packed 10 boxes! We are in the middle of vacation Bible school where I am doing the nursery. We have 3 physicals scheduled for this week, a visit from the pest control man and Ivy and Anna will be off to AWANA camp on Friday.
I'd love to be witty and philosophical at this point, but haven't the time, or quite frankly, the energy. However, If you do not read Savannah's blog, please check it out. Time is closing in for her to get her support. If you would like to see more photos, go to my facebook page. I hope to put more up soon, but no promises!
Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day
I sent cards to our mothers and grandmothers this year, but could not squeeze gifts out of our budget. I know the family was a little concerned about what to do for me. Ben and Joel solved the problem. They went crabbing on the bay with their friends. I LOVE crab. With help from Michael, they prepared a meal for mother's day. It was fantastic!

As we were about to sit down, Ben received a phone call. His friend was bored at his job, and wanted Ben and Joel to come hang out. He is a beach chair attendant. Ben explained that he could not go as it was mother's day. Edgar(the friend) offered a free chair, umbrella, and possibly kayak, if only I would come, too. I thought about it for 5 minutes. HMM, did I want to go sit on the beach on mother's day. Michael sealed it when he offered to keep Grant and Liberty. It was a gorgeous day at the beach. 

Joel, Edgar, Ben
Savannah got me these! In the Philippines they are called "chom poi." I believe they are seasoned, dried plums. I have loved these since I was introduced to them in Vietnam when I was five! Savannah said people were looking at her strangely when she said they were my mother's day gift. Everyone else was purchasing chocolate macadamia nuts for their moms. She told them she has a weird mom. I said that made me proud!
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Ok, so Melinda linked me to some kind of Super sized family list. Today's post is on Road trips.
I NEVER drive through the night. I have a game plan for ime, but I am not a slave to the clock or mileage. If kids have to go to the bathroom or just stretch, that is ok with me. We do not own DVD players or game boys. On the reverse, we also do not sing rounds or join in hand slapping games. We DO bring alaptop that we hook up to the sound sysytem and strap to a stool so the whole car can see. We only watch a movie after everyone seems REALLY bored, and then usually only one. For a 10-12 hour trip, we MIGHT watch two. I carry snacks and drinks, but we stop to eat, so we can get out and stretch. Everyone gets to bring their own bags of stuff to do. We try to get where we are going by supper time. By then, I am done. We like to play mad-libs and some times "are we there yet" games. The kids like to be assigned a certain color car to look for, and jeep/punchbuggy spotting is popular. Though no punching is allowed. Ben has an ipod, but Savannah puts hers on the car stereo. I guess that's it.
I NEVER drive through the night. I have a game plan for ime, but I am not a slave to the clock or mileage. If kids have to go to the bathroom or just stretch, that is ok with me. We do not own DVD players or game boys. On the reverse, we also do not sing rounds or join in hand slapping games. We DO bring alaptop that we hook up to the sound sysytem and strap to a stool so the whole car can see. We only watch a movie after everyone seems REALLY bored, and then usually only one. For a 10-12 hour trip, we MIGHT watch two. I carry snacks and drinks, but we stop to eat, so we can get out and stretch. Everyone gets to bring their own bags of stuff to do. We try to get where we are going by supper time. By then, I am done. We like to play mad-libs and some times "are we there yet" games. The kids like to be assigned a certain color car to look for, and jeep/punchbuggy spotting is popular. Though no punching is allowed. Ben has an ipod, but Savannah puts hers on the car stereo. I guess that's it.
Thursday, May 07, 2009

I am just going to ramble, because, as they say in "The Princess Bride" (Doesn't everyone have a script next to them?) "Let me 'splain. No. There is too much ." It is soccer season, still finishing track and Tee-ball just started. Grant got a black eye last night from standing up in the computer chair with Liberty while Trinity spun them around. Hello, can anyone say Centrifugal force? Ben was planning to go to FSU, but we just found out they wanted him starting this summer! Where in the world will we get the money for that? Yikes. No one really wants to buy life insurance in this economy, so that puts a crimp in our style. Ben broke the arbitrary don't go to the prom mandate, and it was ok. Jeanette and I got to go on a dolphin cruise, but my camera ran out of batteries after 4 pictures. I am supposed to do testing next week, but the tests haven't come in yet. Joel's friend Jake got the chicken pox even though he had the shot, so I got him to come hug Grant and Liberty. Anna just fell over on her bike and is whining at me. Savannah likes Hawaii, but it has presented quite the emotional learning curve. Evan and Liz are wondering what to do for Ben's graduation. Frankly, so am I. TOo much to think about!
Liberty moved to Savannah's bed and does ok most of the time, though I was up with her for about 1/2 hour last night. Trinity loves T-ball, but thinks she will go back to soccer after this. Ben's van was sideswiped by a little old lady who then drove off. But he was clever and got her license plate #. His car was totalled and he just started driving the "new"van. It is like mine but white. I got to go to the Third day concert and take Ivy and Anna. Please see my facebook account for all the pix.
I think that is mostly what happened this month. Maybe there was more. I'll save it up and subject you to further ramblings...
Thursday, April 02, 2009
As I was driving off this afternoon, I noticed a blood bank place. I have a friend who gives blood every week for extra $$. I hollered out to the kids in the car, "Anyone want to donate some blood?" Ivy pointed out that they were all underage, and told me that I could not give either. When some of the other children asked why I could not give blood, Anna tried to explain that it was because I had lived in England during "the Great Cow Depression" much to the amusement of us all!
Friday, March 06, 2009
Friday, but I can't think of anything funny!
I'm sure all kinds of funny things happen, but you really don't want to hear about how Liberty says"FUNNY!" every time she passes gas loudly. Or about how Grant took a whiteboard marker and gave Liberty as well as himself beautiful blue mustaches.
I have company coming and desparately need to clean my house. Not that they would not like the house as it is, we also have an inspection coming up. It just overwhelms me. I don't see what needs doing until it gets out of control. Don't tell me to go to fly lady, I could not figure it out. I need a method. Strangely, though we quit swimming for the time being, I seem to have LESS time.
If anyone knows what happened to my copy of the book "Pumpkin Runner"(BTW, I would underline that, but I can't figure that out either!), please let me know.
Random pictures will now appear.

Jeanette is a Pineapple princess!
Trinity sits on ice!

Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday Funny
Ben told me to guess what he was currently studying in English. I racked my brain, do 12th graders still study British Lit.? I started with, "Pygmalion?, um, some Shakespeare, " but I could not remember what. Frantically tried to recall English Poets. He had THAT expression on his face. Of course, HAMLET!! He thinks it is funny that the teacher keeps saying, "Now we don't KNOW what happened to Hamlet's father". Of course, Ben remembers because we did a family play a stunning 7 years ago! The kids wore tagboard signs suspended around their necks to indicate who they were. They ALL remembered their parts. I felt so gratified. Joel was Hamlet; Ivy said, "I died twice in that play, I was Ophelia and the Queen!" Anna was the king, a ghost and something else. Which means Ben was everyone else! I know probably only Melinda will remember this because I forced her whole family to attend the only showing! Oh, and those fortunate singles who were sitting around the table at dinner when Jeanette, who was probably 2 1/2 suddenly declared, "The drink, the drink! I am poisoned!" and dramatically keeled over in her booster chair!
My disastrous day
So, Wednesday and Thursday morning were something of a loss for me. After church on Wednesday night, I was horrified to find a louse(singular for lice) crawling in my hair next to my ear. I dashed upstairs and immediately applied most of the bottle of RID and stripped my bed, gathered up all my clothes and jackets, removed all the Living room pillows, as well as my own. You can see that this is a long process. Combing out my hair revealed two more lice. NASTY! I am SO tired of this I could scream. The girls have had this over and over since December. I wish I could figure out WHERE they were coming from! Every time I completely dismantle their beds, wash and dry all their things in HOT water and dry them on high. I removed ALL stuffed animals for a month, and I check them constantly. I have bought new pillows from Walmart for Everyone(Thank the Lord they were on sale for $3!) and then again from the BX. I even cut Trinity's hair. Yes, she donated to Locks of Love, but the timing was motivated by several recurrences of lice. We have put away hats, bicycle helmets, worn constant braids, and even reported to the church and school, hoping they could help us track the source.
Thursday morning, I was putting in the last of my bedding to wash. It was my king size comforter. I wasn't so sure about washing it in my machine, but I have washed my quilt in there before and it fit, so I started it. And then had to run off to the Chiropractor because I forgot to give Ben a check when he left at 6:30 am. So there I was at 6:45, having left a check at the empty receptionist station when I received a call from home,"Mom, the washer is flooding the kitchen!" I got home to 15 towels covering the floor, and still it was like a swamp. When I pulled out the comforter, not all of it was wet, but it was SO heavy, it took Joel and I to put it in a basket and carry it outside. We pulled the washer out from the wall, but there were no leaks when we turned on sans comforter.
You would think that that would be enough before 7 am. But no, When Liberty woke up, she had wet through. And she was in my bed and the mattress cover was missing, so it went right onto my mattress. So again with the stripping of the bed, and then I had to make Joel help me again to drag the mattress out side to sit in the sun. I also thought it would discourage any lice. I was really glad the temperature got up to 70 that day, and no rain. Finally we, could do school.
If I had thought about it, I would have taken pictures. But in that state of mind, I was not thinking clearly. Hope this helped lift your day a little. We are all well and no one got hurt, just a little freaked out!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I know, I know, I have not kept up, at all. I did not even do my newsletter. No specific reason. Trinity, Jeanette and Anna-Laura Entered a swim meet and did respectably. Trinity even won two of her 3 heats. Grant got stuck on the neighbor's fence(on top) and told me he was over there because he was "hunting." Ominous, I know. Ben and Joel got in trouble for playing frisbee in their free time? Weird one, but turned out ok. Ivy finished soccer and looks forward to track season. Jeanette entered avtrack meet and placed fifth in the area for 3rd grade girls in the 200M. Michael hired a new secretary. I worked on Sally's book some. Liberty hurt her leg and we went to the emergency room twice, but it was not broken(we think). She is still limping. Savannah now only works three jobs. and is really excited about going to Hawaii for DTS soon. Anna has pix to show you, I will post more later. Miss you all.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
So, I have been asked more than one time how come things always seem to move smoothly and fun at my house. Seriously, this is not a newspaper. We don't want to just report BAD news and crabby kids. It's kind of like a Christmas newsletter that never ends. Who wants to read a list of woes? I actually received one once in which the writer STARTED by saying she had spent the whole past year in tears and even now was unable to break the cycle. The letter did not get any more encouraging. It was hard to read, especially since I was not able to physically do anything about it. Of course, we can pray for that family, and we did, but my point of this blog is to share interesting things about our family that hopefully do not depress you!
So, I have been mulling over a sort of stream of consciousness this is my day theme.
My alarm went off at 5:45, so I automatically hit the snooze, just to give me time to wake up. When it went off at 5:52, I did it again. But, I was restless, so I got up, and lo and behold, it was 6:36! What happened? Who knows. Now I had to race around in the dark and throw on some clothes and hope they did not clash. I went ahead and put on my flip flops, no slippers in this house, too many shoes already to keep up with! Besides, that would mean I would have to go change if I wanted to go somewhere.
Ok, next, I make up my side of the bed, dh is till sleeping, and go down to wake up Trinity , followed by the boys(Ben and Joel ) and the three girls. and then the boys and then the girls. Only Trinity has actually gotten up, and only Jeanette replies to my calls.
I temporarily forgot what tense I was writing in. I set out the bowls and cereals that are already open, make orange juice that , for once, I remembered to thaw in the fridge overnight. I hate trying to make orange juice when it is frozen. I turned on the water for tea and decided to test out my theory that I am not just partial to British tea mentally. I made tow cups, PG tips and Lipton special black pearl or something. I was right the whole time. PG tips are SO much better.
Jeanette showed up first. She has decided to dress herself in her GA camp out fit and is very proud of herself. for some reason, Trinity came down in a blanket(at least she had something on, one time she came running out naked when we were being visited by people from our church for the first time. ) and insisted that she had NO clothes upstairs. I told her that I had NO laundry for her,"Just pick a shirt and some jeans!" This distracted me into folding some of the laundry I did yesterday. i don't remember the rest of the order of who came down , but I do know that Joel was wearing PJs and this is not really allowed. Some chose the leftover grape juice from yesterday, I made OJ for Grant, because he loves all things orange. but he never showed up. I filled Trinity's water bottle and put it in her lunch. Some time I told people to brush their teeth and come to Bible study. Today we studied Genesis 28. Seriously, HOW old was Esau? How silly. And glad Jacob decides that the awesome God IS awesome. Trinity read MOST of a verse and Jeanette got carried away three times, so read much more than her share. We prayed for Jason and Cindy and their new Baby and some other friends.
During =Bible study I did the girls' hair and dressed Liberty. I forgot that a little earlier, Ben found out his car was iced up and so I told him to go shave while it was thawing and then went out to see if I could find a scraper and help him along, but it was already thawed so I just rolled the trash can to the street lest I forget later and our trash does not get picked up! So, anyway, Trinity and Jeanette found out the neighbor boy was not riding his bike today so they did not need to wait for him. Savannah came out to run with them on their way.
Now I remembered that I had not brushed my hair or teeth myself, so I went to do that. Liberty came up to find out where I went and something about her looked suspicious. Not only was she wearing cereal from Grant's bowl and his OJ all over the front of her, but she had exploded through her clothes. oh, joy. Joel starts with Science, Biology, Ivy starts with typing, but can't find it. Anna starts with math, but she is still on last week's lesson, so I do do not have to explain it. WHERE is Grant? still in bed?
finally he shows up and one out of 100, he wet his bed. I KNOW he got up in the night to go. Change of laundry plans. Am I on my 3rd of fourth load today?
Time for Geography. studying Canada , today we talk about Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island. I get distracted and talk about my friend Jill who named her child Anne "with an e" just like "Anne of Green Gables" on P.E. I. She writes books. My children are impressed. Savannah is friends with Anne. Now we write Thank you letters for Christmas. I have to call the school and see if and where Ivy has a soccer game tonight. I do not have it on my master calendar, but she insists. The school's website has it here in town, but Ivy says it is in another town. The school ends up saying it IS in another town, but no one knows what time. I just remembered to call the dentist and change Ivy's appt. time because she is taking high school Algebra, she has a final during the time I made the appt. Joel has decided to try to shoot the squirrel that keeps invading our bird feeder with his pistol BB gun.
Ivy does Spanish, Joel does Algebra, Anna and I learn about precoccial birds. Liberty keeps getting into things. Grant is playing with legos. uh-oh. it is a project the older boys were working on this weekend! Anyway, I went to make grilled cheese for lunch but we only had 3 slices of cheese. hmm. I got out the velveeta we were going to use for dip we call "liquid cheese" with rotel tomatoes for supper with our tacos. Actually we were going to have it on Sat. night at Savannah's "Whose line is it anyway?"party, but I forgot to make it! I sliced some of it and made sandwiches with it. The kids are not impressed and asked why I did not put ham or turkey on the sandwiches. I had to take Joel to school early because of this exam week. He takes"XC/Track" . Then I came back and folded more laundry, made sure some dishes and the table were done, but found out that Ivy did not put away the velveeta or the grapes. I took Liberty with me so she would fall asleep. Grant stayed with the girls. Ivy had to gather all her soccer gear and then "do her hair" until we left late for her algebra class! This time I took Grant. he is excited about getting his hair cut. When I came back, I told him to go up and take a nap. 20 minutes later, I figured out that I never put a new sheet on his bed! Anna and I finished up her math. Oh, I also checked my email, tried to help Joel log on to his site so he can get his permit and chatted with my s-i-l on facebook for a couple of minutes. Anna read her chapter book, no wait, her reading book while I typed this up but she does not want to rewrite her thank you letters right now. What she wants is to play the Wii. but is we start that , I will never get the two school girls onto their home work and on to swimming, oh yeah, and have supper some where. It is 3:11 pm. this is not everything, but most of it. I talked to my mother and she said she wanted to order senior portraits of Ben, so I sent her the link. Savannah called about 12:25 to say the school she was subbing at did not have salads today and mull over whether she should eat stew and string cheese or just wait. this morning she had a crisis when she accidentally doublebooked herself.
when Liberty woke up from her nap she had wet through her clothes. I had to change her clothes GAIN! then I fed her some grapes, in retrospect,not such a good choice. At the moment I suspect she has wandered outside without shoes and it is in the 50s. She apparently put her new socks in a cup of water that was on the table. So, we took them off her. Now the girls are here so I have to go help them find snack. Jeanette says it is so cold her skin turned gray. when she showed me, I asked her where her jacket was, in her back pack!
I must go and sort out the rest of the day, make tacos, go to the game OR swimming, bathe kids, etc. someday I will post pictures from Christmas/birthdays/new year/Liberty covered in peanut butter!
Posted the next day:
First a disclaimer, by now you will have realized that I skipped the second semester of typing(yes, NOT keyboarding) in high school in favor of lab for AP Biology. I tried to use spellcheck, but apparently failed. It is too much work for me to go back and fix all my typos. Please overlook them.
Anyhow. As the afternoon got longer, I had to help Ben fill in his "volunteer hours" that he was supposed to turn in long ago. We had to figure out a motive for his volunteer work and a conclusion. then he had to return it to the school. which was locked. So, he waited until someone came out, then the office was locked, but someone showed him a back way in. hope it works! Trinity must be absolutely coached into doing her homework. We made popcorn in the air popper Nancy gave Anna years ago. It looks carnival-like and always amazes the kids. Trinity decorated it with TONS of popcorn flavoring/popping oil. Liberty dumped lots of it on the floor. Grant left with Michael to get his hair cut. Ben and Joel went to check on a church member who needs help with his yard. Mind you they did not go without much coercing. They will do the actual work later this week. Ben says his first day back in a shoe after having a broken toe went great. I am relieved to hear it.
As we finally got ready for swimming, Trinity decided to camp out in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Joel is locked out of his driver's license course. We cannot figure out what his password was, or why they will not email it to us. Hey, I have already paid for this! Anna began honking the horn at me and Liberty grabbed her jacket. I was able to leave Liberty with Savannah who is trying to write three newspaper stories for the paper that are due tomorrow. One about the circus that is coming in two weeks, that she took the kids to last year, one about a mission to Peru and one about the memorial for Floridians who have passed in war.
As I approached the base, with 10 minutes to spare, we figured out that Liberty must have absconded with my ID. It is no where to be found. I pulled over and Anna, Jeanette and Trinity started throwing things all over the car. I called Savannah, who, ironically, though she does not have an Id, HAS a swim pass in order to be able to take the kids on base. She did offer to come, but I was about ready to give up. I called Michael and he suggested I drive around to the front of the base and just get a pass. SO, I sighed and tried. At the gate, the people in the booth were stumped. Eventually, one of them "sponsored" me and we showed up almost 20 minutes late for swimming!
I went in to explain, then took a deep breath. Normally, I run to the BX for diapers, or , on Thursdays try to fit in ALL the grocery shopping while they are swimming. However, I usually have the little one. today I asked Savannah to keep Liberty and brought my shoes. I intended to bring an entire out fir and go to the gym for the first time, but that did not happen. I DID get my shoes. Just as well, I have no ID. So, I checked the time. Now I only had an hour. I figured I might be slower coming back, so wherever I went, I better start heading back in 20 minutes. At first I was really cold. After ten minutes, my legs started feeling it. I'm not sure how far I went, down to the beach and back. I only saw people at the skate park. So it was kind of lonely. While I was walking, Michael called. I forgot to give him the game location. Whoops. He has Grant with him. They made it in time, you will be glad to know.
I actually walked for 40 minutes. Then I was a little spacy and had jelly legs. but I cleaned out my car. hoping I would find that my Id had been dumped out by accident. but no, it is GONE. however, I am proud to say that I only found one shriveled up french fry, the skin of a clementine and a half a pretzel in the way of food in my car. I DID clean out three little trashcans full. I found Ivy's long lost calculator, and of course, I bought her a new one last Thursday! I found some clothes and a swimsuit, a shoe and lots of books, two card games and many pencils, four reusable water bottles and two Bibles. NO ID.
I overheard the instructor fussing at the girls. I guess they had bumped in the lane and one was refusing the other's apology. guess who? Afterward, I told them that if that happened again, I was giving the coach permission to have them stand on the deck for 5 minutes. Did I mention the pool is out doors, though the water is heated?
The heater in my car refused to work, so we drove home shivering. Savannah and the boys had thoughtfully left all the taco fixings on the table. The boys, however had neglected to complete their laundry and, instead were playing Wii. After some encouraging growls and shouts from me , they reluctantly retreated upstairs. Where they played legos! Trinity sat down to play leap pad, but I insisted they shower. Of course, now Jeanette hogged the bathroom. I decided it would be a good time to make Grant's bed. now Jeanette randomly started clipping her toenails while sitting you know where. Eventually, I came in to start the shower and Liberty ran in to investigate. She promptly threw Jeanette's sock in the toilet. Amazingly, Jeanette only giggled and said, "I'm glad I flushed already!" When the girls were clean, I corralled Liberty, now only in a diaper since she kept sticking her feet in the shower; grabbed Grant who was trying to pilfer the legos from my room where I had "hidden" them.
Read a bedtime story,
Sang a bedtime song,
Kissed and hugged.
Nursed the baby
Made lunch for tomorrow
Printed out lesson plans and packets for school tomorrow
put away the laundry on my bed
took a shower
tried to read my book
Read my Bible, not well, mind you
turned off the light.....
and the baby began to fuss, this lasted a couple of hours.
You get the idea.
And that is how the day REALLY goes. I'm sure you did not enjoy ALL that info, so from here on out please accept the random tidbits!
So, I have been mulling over a sort of stream of consciousness this is my day theme.
My alarm went off at 5:45, so I automatically hit the snooze, just to give me time to wake up. When it went off at 5:52, I did it again. But, I was restless, so I got up, and lo and behold, it was 6:36! What happened? Who knows. Now I had to race around in the dark and throw on some clothes and hope they did not clash. I went ahead and put on my flip flops, no slippers in this house, too many shoes already to keep up with! Besides, that would mean I would have to go change if I wanted to go somewhere.
Ok, next, I make up my side of the bed, dh is till sleeping, and go down to wake up Trinity , followed by the boys(Ben and Joel ) and the three girls. and then the boys and then the girls. Only Trinity has actually gotten up, and only Jeanette replies to my calls.
I temporarily forgot what tense I was writing in. I set out the bowls and cereals that are already open, make orange juice that , for once, I remembered to thaw in the fridge overnight. I hate trying to make orange juice when it is frozen. I turned on the water for tea and decided to test out my theory that I am not just partial to British tea mentally. I made tow cups, PG tips and Lipton special black pearl or something. I was right the whole time. PG tips are SO much better.
Jeanette showed up first. She has decided to dress herself in her GA camp out fit and is very proud of herself. for some reason, Trinity came down in a blanket(at least she had something on, one time she came running out naked when we were being visited by people from our church for the first time. ) and insisted that she had NO clothes upstairs. I told her that I had NO laundry for her,"Just pick a shirt and some jeans!" This distracted me into folding some of the laundry I did yesterday. i don't remember the rest of the order of who came down , but I do know that Joel was wearing PJs and this is not really allowed. Some chose the leftover grape juice from yesterday, I made OJ for Grant, because he loves all things orange. but he never showed up. I filled Trinity's water bottle and put it in her lunch. Some time I told people to brush their teeth and come to Bible study. Today we studied Genesis 28. Seriously, HOW old was Esau? How silly. And glad Jacob decides that the awesome God IS awesome. Trinity read MOST of a verse and Jeanette got carried away three times, so read much more than her share. We prayed for Jason and Cindy and their new Baby and some other friends.
During =Bible study I did the girls' hair and dressed Liberty. I forgot that a little earlier, Ben found out his car was iced up and so I told him to go shave while it was thawing and then went out to see if I could find a scraper and help him along, but it was already thawed so I just rolled the trash can to the street lest I forget later and our trash does not get picked up! So, anyway, Trinity and Jeanette found out the neighbor boy was not riding his bike today so they did not need to wait for him. Savannah came out to run with them on their way.
Now I remembered that I had not brushed my hair or teeth myself, so I went to do that. Liberty came up to find out where I went and something about her looked suspicious. Not only was she wearing cereal from Grant's bowl and his OJ all over the front of her, but she had exploded through her clothes. oh, joy. Joel starts with Science, Biology, Ivy starts with typing, but can't find it. Anna starts with math, but she is still on last week's lesson, so I do do not have to explain it. WHERE is Grant? still in bed?
finally he shows up and one out of 100, he wet his bed. I KNOW he got up in the night to go. Change of laundry plans. Am I on my 3rd of fourth load today?
Time for Geography. studying Canada , today we talk about Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island. I get distracted and talk about my friend Jill who named her child Anne "with an e" just like "Anne of Green Gables" on P.E. I. She writes books. My children are impressed. Savannah is friends with Anne. Now we write Thank you letters for Christmas. I have to call the school and see if and where Ivy has a soccer game tonight. I do not have it on my master calendar, but she insists. The school's website has it here in town, but Ivy says it is in another town. The school ends up saying it IS in another town, but no one knows what time. I just remembered to call the dentist and change Ivy's appt. time because she is taking high school Algebra, she has a final during the time I made the appt. Joel has decided to try to shoot the squirrel that keeps invading our bird feeder with his pistol BB gun.
Ivy does Spanish, Joel does Algebra, Anna and I learn about precoccial birds. Liberty keeps getting into things. Grant is playing with legos. uh-oh. it is a project the older boys were working on this weekend! Anyway, I went to make grilled cheese for lunch but we only had 3 slices of cheese. hmm. I got out the velveeta we were going to use for dip we call "liquid cheese" with rotel tomatoes for supper with our tacos. Actually we were going to have it on Sat. night at Savannah's "Whose line is it anyway?"party, but I forgot to make it! I sliced some of it and made sandwiches with it. The kids are not impressed and asked why I did not put ham or turkey on the sandwiches. I had to take Joel to school early because of this exam week. He takes"XC/Track" . Then I came back and folded more laundry, made sure some dishes and the table were done, but found out that Ivy did not put away the velveeta or the grapes. I took Liberty with me so she would fall asleep. Grant stayed with the girls. Ivy had to gather all her soccer gear and then "do her hair" until we left late for her algebra class! This time I took Grant. he is excited about getting his hair cut. When I came back, I told him to go up and take a nap. 20 minutes later, I figured out that I never put a new sheet on his bed! Anna and I finished up her math. Oh, I also checked my email, tried to help Joel log on to his site so he can get his permit and chatted with my s-i-l on facebook for a couple of minutes. Anna read her chapter book, no wait, her reading book while I typed this up but she does not want to rewrite her thank you letters right now. What she wants is to play the Wii. but is we start that , I will never get the two school girls onto their home work and on to swimming, oh yeah, and have supper some where. It is 3:11 pm. this is not everything, but most of it. I talked to my mother and she said she wanted to order senior portraits of Ben, so I sent her the link. Savannah called about 12:25 to say the school she was subbing at did not have salads today and mull over whether she should eat stew and string cheese or just wait. this morning she had a crisis when she accidentally doublebooked herself.
when Liberty woke up from her nap she had wet through her clothes. I had to change her clothes GAIN! then I fed her some grapes, in retrospect,not such a good choice. At the moment I suspect she has wandered outside without shoes and it is in the 50s. She apparently put her new socks in a cup of water that was on the table. So, we took them off her. Now the girls are here so I have to go help them find snack. Jeanette says it is so cold her skin turned gray. when she showed me, I asked her where her jacket was, in her back pack!
I must go and sort out the rest of the day, make tacos, go to the game OR swimming, bathe kids, etc. someday I will post pictures from Christmas/birthdays/new year/Liberty covered in peanut butter!
Posted the next day:
First a disclaimer, by now you will have realized that I skipped the second semester of typing(yes, NOT keyboarding) in high school in favor of lab for AP Biology. I tried to use spellcheck, but apparently failed. It is too much work for me to go back and fix all my typos. Please overlook them.
Anyhow. As the afternoon got longer, I had to help Ben fill in his "volunteer hours" that he was supposed to turn in long ago. We had to figure out a motive for his volunteer work and a conclusion. then he had to return it to the school. which was locked. So, he waited until someone came out, then the office was locked, but someone showed him a back way in. hope it works! Trinity must be absolutely coached into doing her homework. We made popcorn in the air popper Nancy gave Anna years ago. It looks carnival-like and always amazes the kids. Trinity decorated it with TONS of popcorn flavoring/popping oil. Liberty dumped lots of it on the floor. Grant left with Michael to get his hair cut. Ben and Joel went to check on a church member who needs help with his yard. Mind you they did not go without much coercing. They will do the actual work later this week. Ben says his first day back in a shoe after having a broken toe went great. I am relieved to hear it.
As we finally got ready for swimming, Trinity decided to camp out in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Joel is locked out of his driver's license course. We cannot figure out what his password was, or why they will not email it to us. Hey, I have already paid for this! Anna began honking the horn at me and Liberty grabbed her jacket. I was able to leave Liberty with Savannah who is trying to write three newspaper stories for the paper that are due tomorrow. One about the circus that is coming in two weeks, that she took the kids to last year, one about a mission to Peru and one about the memorial for Floridians who have passed in war.
As I approached the base, with 10 minutes to spare, we figured out that Liberty must have absconded with my ID. It is no where to be found. I pulled over and Anna, Jeanette and Trinity started throwing things all over the car. I called Savannah, who, ironically, though she does not have an Id, HAS a swim pass in order to be able to take the kids on base. She did offer to come, but I was about ready to give up. I called Michael and he suggested I drive around to the front of the base and just get a pass. SO, I sighed and tried. At the gate, the people in the booth were stumped. Eventually, one of them "sponsored" me and we showed up almost 20 minutes late for swimming!
I went in to explain, then took a deep breath. Normally, I run to the BX for diapers, or , on Thursdays try to fit in ALL the grocery shopping while they are swimming. However, I usually have the little one. today I asked Savannah to keep Liberty and brought my shoes. I intended to bring an entire out fir and go to the gym for the first time, but that did not happen. I DID get my shoes. Just as well, I have no ID. So, I checked the time. Now I only had an hour. I figured I might be slower coming back, so wherever I went, I better start heading back in 20 minutes. At first I was really cold. After ten minutes, my legs started feeling it. I'm not sure how far I went, down to the beach and back. I only saw people at the skate park. So it was kind of lonely. While I was walking, Michael called. I forgot to give him the game location. Whoops. He has Grant with him. They made it in time, you will be glad to know.
I actually walked for 40 minutes. Then I was a little spacy and had jelly legs. but I cleaned out my car. hoping I would find that my Id had been dumped out by accident. but no, it is GONE. however, I am proud to say that I only found one shriveled up french fry, the skin of a clementine and a half a pretzel in the way of food in my car. I DID clean out three little trashcans full. I found Ivy's long lost calculator, and of course, I bought her a new one last Thursday! I found some clothes and a swimsuit, a shoe and lots of books, two card games and many pencils, four reusable water bottles and two Bibles. NO ID.
I overheard the instructor fussing at the girls. I guess they had bumped in the lane and one was refusing the other's apology. guess who? Afterward, I told them that if that happened again, I was giving the coach permission to have them stand on the deck for 5 minutes. Did I mention the pool is out doors, though the water is heated?
The heater in my car refused to work, so we drove home shivering. Savannah and the boys had thoughtfully left all the taco fixings on the table. The boys, however had neglected to complete their laundry and, instead were playing Wii. After some encouraging growls and shouts from me , they reluctantly retreated upstairs. Where they played legos! Trinity sat down to play leap pad, but I insisted they shower. Of course, now Jeanette hogged the bathroom. I decided it would be a good time to make Grant's bed. now Jeanette randomly started clipping her toenails while sitting you know where. Eventually, I came in to start the shower and Liberty ran in to investigate. She promptly threw Jeanette's sock in the toilet. Amazingly, Jeanette only giggled and said, "I'm glad I flushed already!" When the girls were clean, I corralled Liberty, now only in a diaper since she kept sticking her feet in the shower; grabbed Grant who was trying to pilfer the legos from my room where I had "hidden" them.
Read a bedtime story,
Sang a bedtime song,
Kissed and hugged.
Nursed the baby
Made lunch for tomorrow
Printed out lesson plans and packets for school tomorrow
put away the laundry on my bed
took a shower
tried to read my book
Read my Bible, not well, mind you
turned off the light.....
and the baby began to fuss, this lasted a couple of hours.
You get the idea.
And that is how the day REALLY goes. I'm sure you did not enjoy ALL that info, so from here on out please accept the random tidbits!
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- Chastains
- I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.