Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nothing of import to say. Today I have been contemplating the merits of showering at night as opposed to in the morning. Not a deep subject, I know. But one that has made a difference for me. I just feel better somehow, being clean when I go to bed; Like a shower after being at the beach all day. If I wait until morning, I feel like I am just losing time, and then my hair soaks my clothes( as opposed to my pillow, I guess). I prefer to read my Bible at night, too. I just can never be sure when I will be woken up by really short people, but I can pretty much guarantee I will go to sleep after most of my children. So I feel like I have whatever amount of time I need. Just what works for me. But, I would love to know your ideas. I am always looking to improve. Ok, to be honest, I REALLY just like to know what others do that works for them. I actually have a little trouble changing my habits. But not as much as a couple of my children. I am always kidding them about staying inside their little box(-es, I suppose, one for each child who LOVES routine).


Anonymous said...

My routine will be different than yours simply because I have five kids to get up and get moving and on to school for the day. However, I bathe at night. Sometimes the hair isn't messed with and gets washed in the morning, but the bath always happens at night. Our breakfasts are simple (cereal, poptarts, toast, *sometimes* eggs or muffins if I can get it together earlier enough to "cook").

Without seeming to be too idealistic, our mornings work best when the kids have set out the clothes the night before, backpacks are ready with all papers looked over and signed, and in bed by a decent time. My teens are rarely in bed before 10:30, usually due to homework overloads. I stay up way too late -- and usually get a power nap sometime between 2-2:30 most afternoons -- just in time for two youngest boys to return home.

With mine in school, I have morning times for housework, devotion time, some leisure time, phone calls and other necessary errands that benefit the family. I try not to do any of that once they get home from school since the homework begins, dogs need walking and feeding, and other family-benefiting chores that are their responsibility begin. With older ones in soccer and dance, we have to use our time wisely, and that's why I love crock-pots.

Good dialog. It's always good to reevaluate why we do what we do -- and that we don't get into a rut and figure out if what we're doing really works or if it's just what we're accustomed to doing. Efficiency is always my goal, but I rarely attain it, sigh.

Anonymous said...

My routine sounds like yours, explanations and all. Also, my husband likes a squeaky clean, smelling-good wife next to him at night. :)

Once someone told me I should get up before dawn and excercise and have my quiet time, like her, because that's "her time" and I need that, too, and it's so great! I thought that was like saying, "You should like strawberry ice cream, like I do! It's so good!" But I can't.

And anyway, the kids have a radar. As soon as my feet hit the floor, I'm done. At night, though, my time is my own.

Still, I think it would be wonderful to be a morning person. Wouldn't that be great? :)

Chastains said...

In truth, I WAS a morning person. And when the babies start to get a little older, I turn back into one. But then a new one appears...
So I continue mmy "routine" but occaisionally mange to get up before some of the childrren!

MissShell said...

Are you still reading comments here? I bathe myself at night to relax, but would prefer to be able to sleep without wet hair! I make the girls bathe in the morning so they don't go to bed with wet hair....
For anyone who's interested, I have tried to have healthy breakfast made ahead of time. I've been known to spend a Saturday making waffles to freeze, granola and breakfast burritos (egg cheese, sausage. potatoes, and a little salsa) so hopefully the breakfast is taken care of but I didn't have to get up to do it.

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.