Monday, June 09, 2008

I can't believe how long I let this sit idle. Of course, it has been a whirlwind. Ivy going to State, end of the schoolyear schedules, and of course, the computer! After it was fixed, my memory stick on my camera died, plus I have misplaced the cord for my card reader. Then the keyboard on the computer died! I have lost a lot of my "favorites" for sites I read.

A few quick updates.

Savannah was NOT accepted into Graduate school, but says she would like to get out from under her debts first. She was "interned" as an interview for the local paper, but they hired someone else. She put in her two weeks at Golden corral, and then changed her mind. Still searching for where God would have her. She is still freelancing, and did a wedding this weekend. We have tried to refrain from making her decisions for her!

Ben is working summer hire on the base, and has started swimming. Joel has joined up with the cross country team and is trying out swimming tonight. Mike ran with the team today, too. The three middle girls have gone off to GA camp this week and the house feels empty! The three littles played in the wading pool, Liberty for the first time.

I have agreed to teach VBS "Babies-1" class. I figured I would spend most of my time there anyway. I am also taking on a writing project. More to come on that.

Evan finished a semester of Grad school, and says it is HARD. Liz has one semester left. Evan has an intellectual blog, so read it if you dare:

Maybe I will have a moment to philosophize this week. But if not, I will be playing in the sun!


Anonymous said...

I was wondering about the Grad. school. Bummer but God definately has other things in store for her. I am sure it is odd w/out the girls this week!! Take time for some you time!! Smiles luvya


Anonymous said...

Glad to see life continues to be full for the Chastains! Never a dull moment, huh. I read through Evan's blogsite -- very intriguing and interesting. Looking forward to our visit mid-July. Still need to work on the details, but it's going to be fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura
My first time commenting. :-)We've finally got sunshine and summer here in the far north, and we're soaking it up while we can. I saw a doe with two tiny fawns yesterday--love it! I enjoy reading about your family's activities and seeing the photos.

About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.