Monday, January 14, 2008

I am busy with sick kids. Liberty turned out to have a really bad cold AND a double ear infection. Grant caught it and his is "croupy." Now Joel came down with it. Ivy says her throat is sore. Michael has had what we could call a "sour stomach" for over a week. I am thankful that I have not gotten sick(yet). Keep us in your prayers. Look for a special announcement requiring participation either later this evening or tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

We are praying for your family's health. And thanks alot for the "carrot" of an announcement!


Anonymous said...

yikes! Will keep you in our prayers.

My children hardly ever get sick! And just as I was thinking that, Mattea woke up throwing up---and you KNOW how I feel about that! :)

I pray healing for the ailments that are in the little ones (Liberty and Grant) and the bigger ones (Mike, Ivy and Joel). Most of all, may His grace be upon YOU the mom and the nurse! :)

Anonymous said...

By the way, remember the time we left Japan and your household was sick with the virus? I wanted to be able to say our goodbye's and your family's friendship was worth the risk of exposure-----remember that?

Poor Madden was sick the whole night before and on the airplane flight!

Anyhow, whenever someone is sick throwing up in our home, I always think of you guys! (ha.ha.) Atleast I can have good thoughts rather than what I should be thinking when someone is throwing up! :)

great memories Laura.....

Chastains said...

I remember, I felt like such a heel! I cannot imagine having to deal with that on the plane! Again, I apologize.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny---you are NOT a heel.....

I just think it's hilarious that I think of you and your family's friendship whenever someone in our home throws up.

What could be nobler than that? :)

Chastains said...

umm, NOT throwing up? HAving you think of us when you sit in your swing and/or patio set we helped pick out?

Anonymous said...

See, I already forgot!
Those moments aren't as memorable. :)

About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.