Monday, January 28, 2008

We have been really busy lately. Last weekend I went up to visit my parents, son and daughter-in-law, and my 90 year old grandmother. I also got to visit briefly with my brother and sister and their children(respectively of course, not together.) It was a LONG exhausting trip, but I am glad we went. How do you interact with your grandmother when you know you may or may not see her come summer? It seemed like a lot of pressure to perform, yet a fine line so that dignity can be retained.
In my family it is considered taboo to talk about an actual problem(or any sort of sadness). The thing to do is to ignore it or dance around the topic. I have worked for years to get past this one. Only to find that perhaps the children did not need to know QUiTE everything. You know I am speaking tongue-in-cheek, I suppose. Again, A fine line to walk. I always feel like a bull in a china shop(I always hated this phrase) when it come to delicate issues or elegant things. I feel like I am loud and blundering, clumsy and chaotic. Which is why it cracks me up when people say I am gentle and patient!
How does laundry pile up when you are not even at home? I got so backed up last week with housework and trying(and failing) to get back on track in school. Two soccer games did not help. I DO have a schedule, but seemed totally unable to follow it. Savannah put us all on a more healthy LIFESTYLE, NOT DIET. That was REALLY expensive at the grocery store. Then, come to find out, this was actually a short week for us, and not the best to buy so many groceries. It was that whole "behind the power curve" feeling.
I have been pondering about how to improve my schedule, school and housework; and feeling vastly overwhelmed. I wanted to put up the picture of all of us with my family, so maybe I will pull it off Savannah's camera later this week. Today is soccer game day, again.

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About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.