Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just a note, in case you are out of the loop. Savannah has had to give up on going to SCAD this spring due to a major financial mixup at her undergraduate school that has her taking out a personal loan with plans to work ninety miles an hour through the summer to pay it off. It has a been a heartbreaking month or so. She will also likely lose her medical insurance over this(not a student...), so that is another factor. Please pray that we WILL KNOW what God has for her here. It is so hard to lose your dream and not know why.

WE are getting over the flu now, but Liberty is having a rough time of it. She is just so weak, and clingy. The rest of us are alternately coughing and/or sniffling, uttering those great LOUD sneezes that REQUIRE a tissue. Can you believe that Beth Moore cited a study where it is a fact, that people who are less stressed produce less mucus, so that yes, people who are not as friendly, ARE snottier! Isn't that hysterical?

1 comment:

Hynson Family Notes said...

We will be praying for Savannah. Perhaps this is just a postponement of the dreams insstead of losing it completely.

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I am a homeschooling mom who enjoys many things, but has time for very few, at the moment , at least.